

单词 tire
释义 tire
I. \ˈtī(ə)r, -īə\ verb
Etymology: Middle English tyren, tyeren, from Old English tȳrian, tēorian
intransitive verb
1. : to become weary : have one's strength decrease or fail
 < tired long before the race was over >
 < the pitcher seems to be tiring although it is only the seventh inning >
2. : to have the patience, attention, interest, or liking reduced or exhausted
 < never tires of reading the Bible >
 < can describe it a thousand times before anyone tires of it — Maxwell Mays >
transitive verb
1. : to exhaust or considerably decrease the physical strength of : fatigue, weary
 < the long hike tired the younger scouts >
2. : to wear out the patience of : satiate to the point of weariness or aversion : bore completely
 < the endless chattering tired him and he left the room >
3. : to use up : wear out : overwork
 < tiring the land by overcultivation >
 weary, fatigue, exhaust, jade, fag, tucker: tire is a general term indicating draining or bringing about loss of energy, strength, endurance, or resolution
  < very tired after the long day's work >
  weary suggests the cumulative effect of tiring until one is unable or unwilling to continue
  < I am wearied out — it is too much — I am but flesh and blood, and I must sleep — Edna S. V. Millay >
  < I am wearied of keeping up deceits — Louis Bromfield >
  fatigue suggests a tiring out by undue or excessive effort or strain that brings lassitude and enervation
  < the passengers drooped on the wooden benches, too fatigued even to get the cool drinks — Dan Jacobson >
  < I rested for the remainder of the daylight in a shrubbery, being, in my enfeebled condition, too fatigued to push on — H.G.Wells >
  exhaust is the strongest of these words in indicating utter draining or consuming of energy until one is without strength and energy
  < his bonus system would have speeded up labor in a way to exhaust men in a few years — M.R.Cohen >
  < capacity for abstract thinking was exhausted by this effort — A.M.Young >
  jade applies to causing loss of freshness, spirit, animation, or interest and becoming dull, languid, or listless through overexertion or overindulging
  < next morning I awoke jaded with the sense of having dreamed awful things all through the night — Max Beerbohm >
  < to minds jaded with debauches of over-emphasis it does contrive to give a thrill — C.E.Montague >
  fag suggests work or exertion to the point of sagging or drooping with weakness and weariness
  < with a gasp for breath said, “Lord, what a run. I'm fagged to death” — John Masefield >
  < the long march up the river had fagged them brutally; overtired, the rest periods did them little good and laboring on the trail was torture — Norman Mailer >
  tucker is a colloquial expression meaning to fatigue and leave without strength, breath, or resolution
  < all tuckered out from the long climb >
II. noun
1. tires plural but singular in construction : milk sickness 1 tremble 3
2. : fatigue, weariness
III. \ˈtī(ə)r, -īə\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, short for attire (II)
1. obsolete : wearing apparel : often sumptuous dress : attire
2. : a woman's headband or hair ornamentation
3. : pinafore
IV. transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English tiren, short for attiren to attire — more at attire
: attire : to dress (the hair) with a tire
 < painted her face, and tired her head — 2 Kings 9:30 (Authorized Version) >
V. noun
Etymology: Middle English, probably from tire (III)
1. : the aggregate of strakes of a wheel
 a. : the metal hoop forming the tread of a wheel; specifically : the steel band shrunk on the fellies of a wagon wheel — see wheel illustration
 b. : a continuous solid, partly solid, or pneumatic rubber cushion encircling and fitting into the rim of a wheel, and usually consisting when pneumatic of an external rubber-and-fabric covering containing and protecting from injury an air-filled inner tube — see bicycle illustration
 c. : the external rubber-and-fabric covering of a pneumatic tire
VI. transitive verb
: to put a tire on : provide with tires
 < the blacksmith … and his young helper were tiring a wagon wheel — Jackson Burgess >
variant of tier I
VIII. \ˈtī(ə)rˌ-īə\ noun
Etymology: French, probably back-formation from tirant tie beam, tie rod, from present participle of tirer to pull, draw — more at tirade
: the member of a flying buttress that takes the thrust




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