

单词 apparent
释义 ap·par·ent
I. \-rənt\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English apparaunt, apparent, from Old French aparant, aparent (present participle of aparoir to appear), from Latin apparent-, apparens, present participle of apparēre to appear — more at appear
1. : capable of easy perception: as
 a. : readily perceptible to the senses, especially sight : open to ready observation or full view : unobstructed and unconcealed
  < an apparent change >
  < the flaw in the metal was apparent >
  < deposits of transported material left by the retreating ice are perhaps the most widely apparent results of the glaciation — American Guide Series: New Hampshire >
 b. : capable of being readily perceived by the sensibilities or understanding as certainly existent or present
  < a face in which a strange strife … was apparent — Thomas Hardy >
  < “you see — my wife — ” he let it go at that because it was apparent that they understood — John Steinbeck >
2. : readily manifest to senses or mind as real or true and supported by credible evidence of genuine existence but possibly distinct from or contrary to reality or truth
 < the states are very jealous of any even apparent encroachment by the federal government — Stephen Duggan >
 < to this end his apparent digressions eventually return — H.O.Taylor >
— distinguished from actual
3. obsolete : likely, probable
 < as well the fear of harm as harm apparent … ought to be prevented — Shakespeare >
4. : entitled (as by right of birth) to inherit (as property) or succeed (as to a throne) in the ordinary course of events — see heir apparent; compare presumptive
 seeming, ostensible, illusory: apparent may imply only distinctness from reality or truth
  < most children have periods of apparent stagnation … but probably throughout these periods there is progress in ways that are not easily perceptible — Bertrand Russell >
  It may also describe a semblance contrary to truth and actuality, a likeness dissipated by close scrutiny or consideration of all facts
  < the high mineral content is the reason why irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparent deserts — Stuart Chase >
  It usually does not suggest a reprehensible intent to deceive
  < the long corridor … carpeted with a narrow bordered carpet whose parallel lines increased its apparent length — Arnold Bennett >
  seeming stresses a close resemblance to reality detected only by correcting faulty observation or analysis
  < John had doubtless no wish to be entangled in a long quarrel … and the Archbishop's mediation allowed him to withdraw with seeming dignity — J.R.Green >
  It is not derogatory in suggesting deception
  < the whole of Burns' song has an air of straight dealing … but these seeming simplicities are craftily charged — C.E.Montague >
  ostensible applies to what is explicitly declared or avowed or to what one would naturally and logically assume from what appears
  < it is by no means true that every law is void which may seem … unsuited to its ostensible end — O.W.Homes †1935 >
  It often applies to differences between such declarations or appearances and a true or actual end, aim, purpose, or character
  < natives … whose ostensible business was the repair of broken necklaces … but whose real end seemed to be to raise money for angry Maharanees — Rudyard Kipling >
  It often applies to conscious deception
  < the first time that he had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it — Thomas Hardy >
  illusory definitely states that the described impressions of truth or actuality are illusions based on deceptive semblances, formed through faulty observation or analysis, or warped by emotional forces
  < the multiplication of wants, real or illusory — Lewis Mumford >
  < we need a deeper reality to take the place of these early beliefs which the growth of intelligence necessarily shows to be illusory — Havelock Ellis >
  < but hopes may be illusoryor ill-founded — they may even attach to what is demonstrably impossible — M.R.Cohen >
Synonym: see in addition evident.
II. noun
Etymology: by shortening
obsolete : heir apparent
III. \əˈpa(a)rənt, aˈ-, -per- sometimes -pār-\ transitive verb
Etymology: ad- + Latin parent-, parens parent, relative — more at parent
: to bring into close relationship : connect (as by way of descent or derivation)
 < Islam, the universal church through which … Syriac society came … to be apparented to the Iranic and Arabic societies — A.J.Toynbee >




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