释义 |
den·si·ty \ˈden(t)səd.ē, -)sətē, -)stē, -i\ noun (-es) Etymology: French or Latin; French densité, from Latin densitat-, densitas, from densus + -itat-, -itas -ity 1. : the quality or state of being dense : closeness of texture or consistency : a crowded condition < a fog of great density > < the great density of growth in the jungle > < made difficult by the density of his style > 2. a. : the mass of a substance per unit volume b. : the distribution of a quantity (as mass, electricity, or energy) per unit usually of space (as area, length, or volume) — see energy density, flux density, surface density c. : the average number of individuals or units per space unit < a density of population of about 100 per square mile > 3. : extreme stupidity 4. of an inflorescence : compactness 5. a. : the degree of opacity of any translucent medium : the common logarithm of the opacity b. : the degree of darkening of a photographic film or positive transparency approximately proportional to the mass of metallic silver or dye per unit area |