

单词 appear
释义 ap·pear
\əˈpi(ə)r, -iə\ intransitive verb
Etymology: Middle English apperen, aperen, from Old French aparoir (3d person plural present indicative aperent), from Latin apparēre, from ad- + parēre to come forth, be visible; akin to Greek peparein to display
 a. : to come into view (as from a distance or a place of concealment) : become visible
  < sandbars which appear in the river bed at low water — P.E.James >
 b. : to be in sight : be visible
  < a faint but courteous smile occasionally appeared upon the veteran's lips — E.H.Collis >
2. : to come formally before an authoritative body
 < I appeared before the committee in executive session — R.M.Lovett >
specifically : to present oneself formally as plaintiff, defendant, or counsel
 < was instructed to appear in court the next morning >
3. : to be taken as : look, seem
 < a spirit of tolerance which allows the expression of all opinions, however heretical they may appear — J.B.Conant >
 a. : to be clear to the mind : be obvious or evident
  < it perpetually appears throughout history that one man achieves and is the true creator of a capital event — Hilaire Belloc >
 b. : to reveal itself to an observer or reader : be manifest
  < his range of interest appears also in his books — Allan Westcott >
5. : to come before the public or into public view
 < thank the delegates for the great honor they have done me in inviting me to appear before them — D.D.Eisenhower >
 a. : to come before the public as an actor
  < he first appeared on Broadway last year >
 b. : to come before the public as an author
  < he appeared in print for the first time >
 c. : to come out in published form
  < his papers appeared in various scientific journals >
  : be out
  < a new recording of the symphony appeared last week >
6. : to come into existence
 < primitives may very well appear at any stage of a country's development — Bernard Smith >
: become created, developed, discovered, founded, or invented
 < the sources whence civilization flowed westward centuries before Greece and Rome appear — Edward Clodd >




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