单词 | appearance |
释义 | ap·pear·ance 1. a. < the sudden appearance of enemy troops > < the unexpected appearance of smoke on the horizon > b. < his last appearance on the London stage > < financially secure since the appearance of his last novel > c. < within a few years after the appearance of the … canal boat — American Guide Series: New York > d. < his appearance before the board > e. (1) (2) (3) 2. a. < his whole appearance was markedly different from that of the guests usually to be seen — Archibald Marshall > b. (1) < traders, though hostile to the settlement, had to preserve an appearance of neutrality — B.K.Sandwell > (2) appearances plural < they spent their lives trying to keep up appearances and to make his salary do more than it could — Willa Cather > c. appearances plural < to all appearances he was guilty > d. (1) < the blue of distant hills is only an appearance > (2) < the different appearances of a penny viewed from different angles > e. (1) (2) < that philosophic legerdemain which, with only experience for its datum, would condemn this experience to the status of appearance and disclose a reality more edifying — C.I.Lewis > 3. a. (1) < a great observer of natural appearances — William Cowper > (2) archaic < this appearance passed for as real a thing as the blazing star itself — Daniel Defoe > b. < the first appearance of that word in English > 4. obsolete < an innumerable appearance of gallants — John Evelyn > Synonyms: < the appearance of the house has been unfortunately altered by the addition of an upper gallery — American Guide Series: Louisiana > < his long, flowing beard, whitening with the years, gave to his countenance a patriarchal appearance — H.A.Bridgman > but can suggest a dissembling or pretense < giving highway robbery the appearance of legality — H.W.Carter > < going into debt to keep up an appearance of prosperity > look usually carries the meaning common to the group but often (generally in the plural) suggests a more objective condition than appearance, stressing the concrete details of outward appearance < he's wearing a queer kind of knickerbocker suit. He hasn't the look of a journalist — John Buchan > < did not care for the looks of Labrador — Russell Lord > < nor has she lost her dark, good looks — Irish Digest > aspect is like look in stressing the features, usually suggesting a characteristic or habitual appearance, especially facial expression, but most commonly is applied to nonconcrete things < his voice and aspect were quite friendly — George Meredith > < this was the dreariest evening aspect of the sea he had ever seen — Joseph Conrad > < such is the lot of the man who writes upon the subject of the day; the aspect of affairs changes in an hour or two — William Cowper > < “Democracy,” he says, “has different aspects in different lands” — C.L.Sulzberger > semblance can signify an outward seeming, an approximation, without suggesting falseness or hypocrisy, but generally implies a difference between outward appearance and inner reality < it is the semblance which interests the painter, not the actual object — Times Literary Supplement > < this mission has recently been restored to some semblance of its former grandeur — American Guide Series: Texas > < giving defeat the semblance of victory — H.A.Overstreet > < a regime with efficient instruments of terror must cloak its power so as to give it a semblance of legitimacy — Julian Towster > |
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