

单词 apportion
释义 ap·por·tion
\əˈpōrshən, -ȯrsh-, -ōəsh-, -ȯ(ə)sh- also aˈ-\ transitive verb
(apportioned ; apportioned ; apportioning \-sh(ə)niŋ\ ; apportions)
Etymology: Middle French apportionner, from a- (from Latin ad-) + portionner to portion — more at portion
: to divide and assign in proportion : divide and distribute proportionately : make an apportionment of : portion out : allot
 < apportion time among various employments >
specifically : to assign (a capitation or other direct federal tax) among the states in proportion to population as provided in the United States Constitution
 portion, parcel, ration, prorate: apportion applies to distribution on an equitable, or suitable basis
  < representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each — U.S. Constitution >
  < he will be a brave man who will apportion responsibility for Britain's attitude between parties and classes — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude >
  < nature seems to have apportioned the voices of many of her creatures with sensitive regard for their environment — William Beebe >
  portion may apply to distribution of more or less equal shares
  < firing 270 rounds portioned equally among pistols of three calibers — Time >
  parcel, usually used with out, may indicate division into many small pieces, lots, or units for subsequent delivery, claim, or execution
  < being compelled to parcel out its inadequate combat resources sparingly between the many vulnerable points — Herbert Feis >
  < Mother would parcel out her year: three months with Herbert and Mabel, three with Carrie and Roland — Victoria Sackville-West >
  ration may apply to division by authority, presumably equitably, on some such basis as need
  < where capital is short, it must be rationed intelligently, in the same way as gasoline and sugar were rationed in wartime — A.B.Lans >
  < he rationed his time, told visitors he could give them three minutes — Time >
  prorate suggests equitable proportional distribution according to authority or common agreement
  < the entire field was to be put in truck crops, and the yield prorated to the workers — Russell Lord >
Synonym: see in addition allot.




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