单词 | letter |
释义 | let·ter I. 1. a. b. letters plural < teach a child his letters > c. obsolete < I will something affect the letter, for it argues facility — Shakespeare > 2. a. < a business letter should preferably be typed > b. < a table on which were several letters — evidently this was where mail was left for those in the house — Millen Brand > c. < a letter from the admiral admits him to the naval base > < letter of absolution > conveying information or instructions < circular letter outlining requirements for admission > < pastoral letter calling upon the people to resist — W.E.McManus > < his contribution to the book was a letter from New York > serving as an introduction < asked her minister for a letter to the new church > or attesting to length, quality, or terms of employment < service letter > < letter of recommendation > < letter of appointment > d. (1) Roman & civil law (2) < parliament is summoned by the king's … letter issued out of chancery — T.E.May > — usually used in plural < letters of adoption > < letters of citizenship > 3. letters plural but singular or plural in construction a. < a polished novel which shows British letters at its best — Hunting's Monthly List > < good letters have some significance in the health of the state — Ezra Pound > < words exist before the art of letters — John Dewey > b. < man of letters > < more a friend of letters than a learned man himself — R.W.Southern > 4. < rigorous insistence on the letter of the contract — Alvin Johnson > < a decision dealing with human beings cannot be based on the letter of the law alone — F.M.Hechinger > — opposed to spirit 5. a. b. < roman letter > c. < a font of body letter > especially < can't set it without any letter > 6. < a rugged physique that helped him win football and basketball letters in college — Howard Rushmore > • - to the letter II. intransitive verb 1. archaic < our people go backwards and forwards … lettering and messaging — Charles Dickens > 2. < as a freshman he lettered in football — Tom Siler > transitive verb 1. < few painters alive can letter a respectable caption on a portrait — P.M.Hollister > — often used with out < streamers on which are lettered out the names of historic battles — Elbridge Colby > 2. a. < letter a poster > < letter a squad car > b. < numbers were lettered on all the books — Helen V. Samuelson > < twelve companies, lettered from A to M, skipping J — W.H.Baumer > specifically III. chiefly Britain |
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