释义 |
aquat·ic I. \əˈkwä]d.ik, -wa], ]tik, -ēk\ adjective Etymology: Middle French aquatique, from Latin aquaticus, from aqua water : of or relating to water : water: a. (1) : living wholly or chiefly in or on water < porpoises and seals are aquatic animals > (2) : growing in or on water < aquatic plants > (3) : living near or frequenting water < gulls and herons are aquatic birds > b. : engaged in or performed in or on water < aquatic sports > • aquat·i·cal·ly \-ə̇k(ə)lē, -ēk-, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) 1. : an aquatic animal or plant 2. : one given to bathing or swimming or to taking part in aquatic sports 3. aquat·ics \-ks\ plural but sometimes singular in construction : water sports |