释义 |
ar·bi·trary I. \ˈärbə.ˌtrerē, ˈȧb-, -ri\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French arbitraire, from Latin arbitrarius, from arbitr-, arbiter judge + -arius -ary — more at arbiter 1. : depending on choice or discretion; specifically : determinable by decision of a judge or tribunal rather than defined by statute < an arbitrary decision > < arbitrary punishment > 2. a. (1) : arising from unrestrained exercise of the will, caprice, or personal preference : given to expressing opinions that arise thus (2) : selected at random or as a typical example < such arbitrary items as clothing, room furnishings, travel — Official Register of Harvard University > b. : based on random or convenient selection or choice rather than on reason or nature < an arbitrary symbol > < arbitrary division of historical studies into watertight compartments — A.J.Toynbee > c. Britain, of a printing character : not usually found in the ordinary type font 3. a. : given to willful irrational choices and demands : imperious < a man of iron will and arbitrary decision > b. : characterized by absolute power or authority : despotic, tyrannical < arbitrary rule > < an arbitrary governor > Synonyms: see absolute II. noun (-es) 1. : something that is arbitrary < the … conception of cosmic rule, into which an element of the arbitrary had found its way — S.F.Mason > 2. a. : a fixed sum allowed a carrier in making or dividing a through rate b. : an amount added to or deducted from a basic transportation rate, fare, or charge (as an increment for abnormal services or features); also : a payment to employees for work other than regular duties |