

单词 architectonic
释义 ar·chi·tec·ton·ic
\|ärkəˌtek|tänik, |ȧk-\ adjective
Etymology: Latin architectonicus of architecture, from Greek architektonikos of a master builder, from architekton-, architektōn + -ikos -ic
1. : of, related to, or in accordance with the technical principles of architecture : architectural
 < architectonic feature >
 < architectonic purposes >
 a. : having the organized structural and rational qualities of architecture
  < severe and architectonic landscape — Osbert Sitwell >
  < make his book a series of essays rather than an architectonic whole — D.W.Petegorsky >
 b. : giving, creating, or tending to give the quality of structural unity or order
  < creative energy … is … architectonic, and it imposes upon the lyric impulse an ordered sequence and an organic unity — J.L.Lowes >




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