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top I. \ˈtäp\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English top, toppe, from Old English top; akin to Old High German zopf end, tip, tuft of hair, Old Norse toppr tuft of hair, crest, top and perhaps to Old English tæppa tap — more at tap 1. a. (1) : the highest point, level, or part of something : the upper end, edge, or extremity : summit, crown < looked over the tops of his half-spectacles — Marcia Davenport > < slopes leading toward the mesa-top — American Antiquity > < the top of the beach — Sally Carrighar > < the top of the pass > (2) : the highest part of the body : the head or top of the head — used especially in the phrase top to toe (3) : the head of a plant; especially : the part of a plant with edible roots that is above ground < beet tops > (4) : the part of a cut gem above the girdle : crown, bezel (5) : the upper part of a garment; especially : the jacket of pajamas (6) : a garment worn on the upper body (7) : top milk b. (1) : the highest or uppermost region or parts < dive bombers … dive off the top of the sky — Ira Wolfert > especially : the uppermost story (as the attic) of a building < at the top of the house lived a medical student — W.B.Yeats > — compare treetop (2) : the surface normally or at present facing upward as opposed to the undersurface : the side that overlies the whole < cumulus clouds … with flat bases and rounded tops — O.W.Perrie > < marked at several places to indicate where the top of the concrete should be — Building, Estimating & Contracting > (3) : the part of a thing placed uppermost in use < the top of the page > (4) : the surface of the land or ocean < the submarine came to the top > also : the point at which an underground shaft, tunnel, or well reaches the surface 2. a. dialect : a crowning tuft: (1) : the hair on the head (2) : crest 1a b. dialect : a tuft of textile fiber; specifically : a bunch of flax tow placed on a distaff c. (1) : a continuous strand of the longer wool fibers after straightening and separating from the short fibers by combing (2) : a similar strand of rayon staple fiber 3. : a fitted, integral, or attached part or unit serving as an upper piece, endpiece, lid, or covering < an ornamented steamboat smokestack top — Frederick Way > < saving box tops for premiums > < a jar with a threaded top > as a. : a metal, plastic, or fabric roof over the passenger compartment of a vehicle that is permanent or capable of being folded back, lowered, or removed b. : the turndown part or band on a top boot c. Britain : a ceiling especially in a mine d. : the upper of a shoe; especially : the parts above the vamp e. : a circus or carnival tent 4. a. : a platform surrounding the head of a lower mast that serves to spread the topmast rigging, strengthen the mast, and furnish a standing place for men aloft b. : a comparable part of the superstructure; especially : such a part on a warship used as a fire-control station or antiaircraft gun platform 5. : the part that is nearest in space or time to the source or beginning < the top of the lake > < the top of the morning > specifically : the first half of an inning in the game of baseball 6. : topsail 7. a. (1) : the highest degree conceivable, attainable, or attained : acme, pinnacle < singing at the top of a form that is unmatched anywhere — Theatre Arts > < the high temperature reading … compared with an 87.2 top on Friday — New York Times > (2) : the loudest or highest range of a sound < shouted at the top of his lungs > < a soprano with a weak top > (3) Britain : high III 2b (4) : the price of the most expensive seats for a performance < a show having a six-dollar top > b. archaic : the highest realization or embodiment : the most perfect actualization or instance c. : the height at which something that has been advancing recedes : culminating point : maximum < sail with the top of the tide — Rachel Henning > < the all-time top for fishermen's earnings — Pacific Fisherman > < stocks bought at the top of the market > 8. a. (1) : the highest position in rank, achievement, honor, success, or fame < the top of his profession > < top of the bill > < the top of his class > especially : the position of a person or group wielding supreme authority < bribery has reached from the top right down to the lowest clerical level — Atlantic > < access to someone very near the top — Thomas Barman > (2) : a person or thing at the top < the news of the rising situation got through … to the Congress … tops — Spark > b. (1) : a playing card higher than any held in the same suit by an opponent (2) tops plural : aces and kings in a hand or the three highest honors in a suit (3) or top score : the highest match-point score made at duplicate bridge on a particular board or the highest total of match points scored during a session by one contestant or team 9. a. : the choicest part : the best or finest of its lot or kind : cream, pick b. tops plural : the choicest animals in a flock or herd c. tops plural, Britain : aristocrats 10. a. : the part of a thing that is conventionally highest or occupies the most important position < the arctic, the frozen top of the world — Carey Longmire > < our pilots rolled to the top of the runway — P.J.C.Friedlander > < the top of the room > < set her down at the top of the street — Maurice Hewlett > b. : the end of a billiard table opposite to that marked with the balkline in English billiards < a top-of-the-table game > 11. : top boot 12. : a button finished (as by plating) only on the face 13. : a forward spin given to a ball (as in golf, tennis, billiards, or cricket) by striking it on or near the top or above the center; also : the blow or stroke so given 14. : first sergeant 1 15. : the most volatile part that passes over first on distillation — often used in plural < refinery tops > 16. : a die marked with usually only three different numbers rather than the usual six 17. : an outer ornamental or protective coating or layer < a stainless steel watch band with a gold top > — compare blacktop • - off one's top - on top - on top of - on top of the world - over the top - the top of one's head II. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English top, toppe, from Old English top; perhaps akin to Middle Dutch dop top, Old High German topf 1. : a child's toy that is commonly cylindrical, pear-shaped, or conoidal and has a tapering usually steel-shod point on which it is made to spin by means of the fingers, a string, or a spring, or by whipping — see peg top, whipping top 2. : a conical block of wood with longitudinal grooves on its surface in which strands of rope slide in the process of twisting III. verb (topped ; topped ; topping ; tops) Etymology: Middle English topen, toppen, from top, toppe top — more at top (head) transitive verb 1. : to remove or cut the top of: as a. : to prune the top or leaves of (a plant especially of a root crop) < top carrots > b. : to execute by hanging c. : to cut, break, or otherwise take off the top of (a steel ingot) to remove unsound metal d. : to cut the top part from (a tree) in logging — compare climber 1a e. : pinch 1b (2) f. : to remove the most volatile parts (as crude petroleum) from : strip 15a, skim 2. a. : to cover with a top or on the top : provide, form, or serve as a top for : complete by giving or serving as a covering, endpiece, crown, or cup for < arches that top the windows — American Guide Series: New Hampshire > < a black mop of curls topping a sleepy face — Winifred Bambrick > < the city's educational system is topped by four degree-granting colleges — American Guide Series: New York > b. (1) : to supply with a decorative or protective finish or a final touch — often used with off < topped off the day with an hour's dancing — Bernard DeVoto > (2) : to cover with another dye < top aniline black with methyl violet to prevent greening and crocking > (3) : tip 3 (4) : to resupply or especially refuel (something partially exhausted) to capacity — usually used with off < log … showed she was topped off with fuel — Chesley Wilson > (5) West : to finish breaking in (a horse) < all these prospects had been topped and ridden several times — Jo Mora > — usually used with off or out < the horse may still buck … but now the peeler can start topping it off — S.E.Fletcher > 3. a. (1) : to be or become higher than : come to or over the top of : overtop < the water topped the boathouse > < topped by three other peaks in the state — American Guide Series: Vermont > (2) : to be in excess of < ski crowds have topped 5000 in a single day — Jean Lunzer > < world wheat production has topped that of rice — Margaret K. Zieman > < the best year in its history … topping record 1953 — Wall Street Journal > b. (1) : to be superior to : do better than : excel, surpass, outdo < intends to top herself in her next picture — Robert Trumbull > < tops everything of the kind in print — Alfred Frankenstein > (2) : to perform (a part) better than before or better than someone else c. : to gain ascendancy over : dominate < the base shall top the legitimate — Shakespeare > 4. a. (1) : to rise to or reach the top of : ascend to the upper surface or especially the summit of < topped the backbone of the continent — A.B.Guthrie > (2) : to go over the top of : clear, surmount < the horse topped the barrier > (3) : to rise above the level of < the plane was to top the storm — Newsweek > b. (1) : to be at the top of < story that topped the nation's best-seller list — W.H.Whyte > < a great beech … topped a small knoll — Susan Ertz > (2) : to be the highest card in (a suit) < a suit topped by the ace > (3) : to be in the most prominent or featured position of < top the bill > 5. : cover 10a 6. : to strike (a golf ball) above the center; also : to make (as a stroke) by hitting the ball in this way intransitive verb : to make an end, finish, or conclusion — used with such prepositions as off, out, or up IV. adjective Etymology: Middle English top, toppe, from top, toppe, n., top 1. a. : of, relating to, or at the top : highest, topmost, uppermost < top floor > < in man the larynx sits at the top end of a windpipe — G.A.Miller > b. : serving as or constituting a top < the top crust of a pie > 2. a. (1) : foremost in order, rank, achievement, value, or precedence : chief, head, preeminent < the top painter of his time — Margaret Biddle > < two of the nation's top twenty-five banks — T.H.White b.1915 > < ranked among the top six men of his class — Current Biography > < top priority > (2) : of prime importance or interest < it should have been … the top thought and concern of theater men — Bosley Crowther > < top essential for stained-glass making is lead — H.L.Morrow > < the top news … has dealt with cases of flagrant corruption — Sidney Warren > (3) : being the highest or a high card of a suit < a suit headed by the four top honors > (4) : responsible for the planning and initiation of policies and practices and for making the principal decisions concerning them — distinguished from middle < top management > b. : of a very high quality : extremely good : first-class < the winner showed top form > < top sports coverage — advt > 3. : of a very high or the highest degree, amount, or intensity : greatest < top speed > < commodities selling at top prices > 4. : that has or is fitted with a top < top buggy > V. transitive verb (topped ; topped ; topping ; tops) Etymology: perhaps from top (I) : to raise one end of (as the yard of a sail) higher than the other VI. abbreviation topographic; topographical VII. adjective : having a quantum characteristic whose existence was postulated on the basis of the discovery of the bottom quark < top quark > • - over the top |