释义 |
lieu·ten·ant \-tenənt\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English lieutenaunt, from Middle French lieutenant, from lieu place + tenant holding, from present participle of tenir to hold, from Latin tenere — more at lieu, thin 1. a. : an officer representing and exercising powers on behalf of a higher official (as a king) — compare lord lieutenant b. : a representative of or substitute for another in the performance of duty c. : assistant 2b < the president's intimate friend and most trusted lieutenant — Harper's > 2. a. : a military officer — see first lieutenant, flight lieutenant, second lieutenant b. : a naval officer ranking just below a lieutenant commander and above a lieutenant junior grade c. : a Salvation Army officer — see first lieutenant 2, second lieutenant d. : a fire or police department officer ranking below a captain 3. : the adult assistant leader of a Girl Guide or Ranger company and formerly of a Girl Scout troop |