

单词 life
释义 life
I. \ˈlīf\ noun
(plural lives \-īvz\)
Etymology: Middle English lif, from Old English līf; akin to Old High German līb life, Old Norse līf life, Old English libban, lifian to live — more at live
 a. : animate being : the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body or purely chemical matter
  < life is the immediate gift of God — William Blackstone >
  < my ability to give life to an animal — Mary W. Shelley >
  — compare death 1
 b. : the principle or force by which animals and plants are maintained in the performance of their functions and which distinguishes by its presence animate from inanimate matter
  (1) : the state of a material complex or individual characterized by the capacity to perform certain functional activities including metabolism, growth, reproduction, and some form of responsiveness or adaptability
  (2) : a specific aspect of the process of living or performing the functions involved in living
   < the physical and emotional life of a boy — Harrison Smith >
   < the cowboy's sex life was intermittent — D.B.Davis >
2. : the course of existence : the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual : the totality of actions and occurrences constituting an individual experience
 < emotions provoked by particular events in his life — T.S.Eliot >
 < interests … that have occupied his life — F.R.Leavis >
 < children … are the joy of our lives — Agnes S. Turnbull >
3. : biography 1
 < a shilling life will give you all the facts — W.H.Auden >
 < a full-length life >
 a. : the earthly state of human existence as distinguished from the spiritual state after death
  < all those who in this transitory lifeBook of Com. Prayer >
 b. : a spiritual form of eternal existence transcending physical death
  < he who hears my word … has passed from death to life — Jn 5:24 (Revised Standard Version) >
  < his craving … for release into the life to come — Rodney Gilbert >
 a. : the duration of the earthly existence of an individual; specifically : the period from birth to death
  < his habits were such as promise a long life — T.B.Macaulay >
  < early in life he had married >
 b. : a specific phase of earthly existence
  < parents … had more effect on your child lifeGlamour (Australia) >
 especially : the period from an event until death
  < six senators appointed for life >
 c. : a sentence of imprisonment for the remaining portion of the convict's earthly existence
  < if found guilty … he could get life — George Quint >
 d. : continued existence and right to function (as in a political office)
  < the secretary of state … whose life depends on such a fickle thing as votes — E.O.Hauser >
  < fighting for his political lifeNew York Times >
6. : a way or manner of living; especially : one associated with an occupation, location, or time
 < a continent where the rural life is predominant — P.E.James >
 < she will have a wretched life with this young scamp — L.C.Douglas >
 < the life of the colonists is visible to the eye — R.W.Hatch >
7. : someone held to be as dear to one as existence — usually used as a term of endearment
 < my bride, my wife, my life — Alfred Tennyson >
8. : something held to be essential to animate existence or to a livelihood
 < the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life — Jn 6:63 (Revised Standard Version) >
 < the fishing village drew its life from the sea >
9. : a vital or living being; specifically : person
 < many youthful lives miss the opportunities for education — Ernest & Pearl Beaglehole >
10. : the force or principle that animates and usually tends to shape the development of something
 < the life of the constitution … has been not logic but experience — F.A.Ogg & Harold Zink >
11. : energy and liveliness in action, thought, or expression : animation, spirit
 < gives thy gestures grace and life — William Wordsworth >
 < there was little life in her voice — Winston Churchill >
 < there is still life in the old conceptions of loyalty — Leslie Rees >
 < breathe life into books for children — Rumer Godden >
12. : the form or pattern of something as it exists in reality
 < a drawing from the life >
 < screen motion was a little faster and more jerky than life — Otis Ferguson >
 < pictures show the family to the life — May L. Becker >
13. : a person whose life is insured (as by a life-insurance policy); especially : one considered with regard to his prospects for a long existence
 < an insurance doctor had pronounced him a first-class life — E.M.Lustgarten >
 a. : the period of duration of something held to resemble a natural organism in structure or functions
  < throughout the life of the republic — C.L.Jones >
  < ended the Labour government's life within … one year — Herbert Dorn >
 b. : the period of time during which a material object is fit for use or the efficient performance of its functions : the number of times an object may be used efficiently
  < the life of the road was hardly a year — American Guide Series: New Hampshire >
  < the life of a battleship was set at twenty years — C.E.Black & E.C.Helmreich >
  < tool life varied greatly with the microstructure of the steels being machined — F.H.Colvin >
 c. : the period of existence (as of an ion) — compare half-life
 d. : the period of time during which a legal document or relationship (as a marriage) is in force and effect
 e. : the period of time during which something (as a book or a play) continues to be popular
  < making a few books tremendously popular but shortening the lives of all — J.D.Hart >
  < the permanent life of distinguished minor fiction — E.K.Brown >
 f. : the property (as resilience, elasticity, springiness) of an inanimate substance resembling the animate quality of a living being
  < the life of a bow >
  < an elastic belt that had lost most of its life >
 g. : the length of time that the usefulness or quality of a packaged product lasts before deterioration begins
  < lengthen the life of packaged fresh meat cuts — V.J.Hillery >
  < shelf life of baked pies — Lou Bisno >
15. : living beings; especially : the living things of a particular kind, quality, or environment
 < bird life >
 < plant life >
 < forest life >
 a. : human activities: as
  (1) : the active or practical part of human existence
   < if a student is to be prepared for life, he must be prepared for making a living — Bulletin of Bates College >
  (2) : social activities
   < entered the life of the court >
 b. : the activity and movement characterizing the presence of living beings
  < sidewalk cafes just now stirring to midmorning life — P.E.Deutschman >
 c. : the activities of a given sphere, area, or time
  < economic and commercial life was almost wholly at a standstill — R.A.Hall b.1911 >
  < life in the Mediterranean war theater >
  < participate in local, state, and national life — John Lodge >
  < his private life >
17. : one that inspires or excites spirit and vigor and is usually held to provide a principal basis for enjoyment or success
 < the life of the party >
 < he was the life of the enterprise >
 a. : another chance or a continued opportunity given to one likely to lose; especially : an opportunity given a batter in cricket and baseball to reach a base or to continue at bat because of a fielding error
 b. : one of several turns limited in number by the rules of a game (as English pool) during which a player may continue in the game until he makes a mistake (as hitting the wrong ball or pocketing his own ball)
19. capitalized, Christian Science : god II b(6)
20. : something resembling animate life: as
 a. : continued active existence and development
  < British Columbia's chance for a separate political life — R.W.Van Alstyne >
  < upon circulation … the life and prosperity of a newspaper depends — F.L.Mott >
 b. : a state characterized by the functioning of the mechanical parts (as of a motor)
  < the engine coughed into life — B.R.Ingram >
21. : conscious existence supposed to be a quality of the soul or as the soul's nature and being

- for dear life
- on your life
II. adjective
1. : of or relating to animate being
 < manifestations of life instincts — Abram Kardiner >
 < life processes >
2. : for or lasting throughout the duration of existence : lifelong
 < life income >
 < life tenure >
 < a life member >
 < life aims >
3. : using a living model
 < a life class >
4. : of, relating to, or provided by life insurance
 < a life policy >




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