释义 |
top·ping I. \ˈtäpiŋ, -pēŋ\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from gerund of toppen to top — more at top 1. : something that forms a top (as of a tuft of hair or feathers on the head or a forelock): as a. : something (as a sauce, nuts, or whipped cream) used to garnish food and especially dessert b. : a finishing layer of mortar about 1/2 to 1 inch in thickness placed on concrete (as on a floor or sidewalk) 2. : the action of one that tops: as a. : the reduction of a tooth (as on a saw or gear) by filing b. : the removal of volatile parts (as from crude oil) 3. : something removed by topping: as a. : the cut tops of plants b. : refuse separated from hemp in hackling c. : the finest bran 4. : a feather from a golden pheasant's crest used in an artificial fly — see fly illustration II. adjective Etymology: from present participle of top (III) 1. : highest in rank, degree, or eminence 2. New England : proud, pretentious, arrogant 3. chiefly Britain : very fine : excellent |