释义 |
light·ning I. \ˈlītniŋ, -nēŋ\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English lightning, lightening, from gerund of lihtenen, lightenen to lighten — more at lighten (illuminate) 1. obsolete : the action of giving light : illumination, enlightenment < a lightning before death — Shakespeare > 2. : the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity from one cloud to another or from a cloud to the earth; also : the discharge itself 3. slang : cheap whiskey of poor quality 4. : a sudden stroke of good fortune; especially : a nomination or selection for high political office < a multiplicity of candidates, including favorite sons hoping for real lightning to strike — Time > 5. often capitalized : one of a class of racing sailboats about 19 feet in length that are sloop-rigged and have a centerboard II. adjective : moving with or having the speed and suddenness of lightning < the jargon of the auctioneer as he works with lightning rapidity — American Guide Series: North Carolina > < the lightning speed of modern warfare — F.D.Roosevelt > < superb fighters, masters of the lightning raid — Seth Agnew > < made lightning descents on the native villages — Tom Marvel > III. intransitive verb (lightninged ; lightninged ; lightning ; lightnings) : to discharge a flash of lightning < it is lightning more than ever > < it lightninged terribly last night > |