

单词 total
释义 to·tal
I. \ˈtōd.əl, ˈtōtəl\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin totalis, from Latin totus whole, entire + -alis -al
1. : of or relating to something in its entirety
 < the total effect of a room >
 < the writing is … unified by a simple total vision of the writer — William Barrett >
 a. : viewed as an entity : complete in all details : overall, whole
  < culture … is the total spiritual product of any given time and place — Modern Music >
  < the total university, with its galaxy of graduate and professional schools — N.M.Pusey >
  < after the introduction of gunpowder … total armor had gradually fallen into disuse — New Yorker >
 b. : constituting an entire number or amount : aggregate
  < total cost >
  < total value >
  < total extant manuscripts … are of considerable number — I.M.Price >
  < total spending should be large enough to employ everyone who wants to work — George Soule >
 a. : unqualified in extent or degree : absolute, utter
  < total darkness >
  < a total stranger >
  < the total abolition of poverty … is at the present moment technically possible — Bertrand Russell >
  < lines, characterized by total simplicity, are by far the hardest to put into another language — Wallace Fowlie >
 b. : having dictatorial powers : omnipotent, totalitarian
  < the liberal state acknowledged many limitations in its demands upon men; the total state acknowledges none — A.M.Schlesinger b. 1917 >
 c. : unlimited in character : concentrating all available personnel and resources on a single objective : all-out, thoroughgoing
  < the nature of total war has erased the distinction between combatants and civilians — J.N.Moody >
  < urges a bold effort at making a total peace — Atlantic >
Synonyms: see whole
II. noun
 a. : a result of addition : aggregate, sum
  < column total >
  < cumulative total >
  < a total of 319 students registered for summer school >
  < when the final totals were compiled they would show dollar volume close to … the all-time high — S.C.Pace >
 b. : a summation of factors : final result
  < deviations from a total of zero cause the crane carriage to move forward or backward — T.W.Rodes >
2. : an entire quantity or configuration : amount, whole
 < a staggering total of devastation and destruction — T.F.Mueller >
 < word-complexes that cannot be reconstructed unit by unit, but only as totals — John Ciardi >
Synonyms: see sum

- in total
III. adverb
: totally
 < now is he total gules, horridly tricked with blood — Shakespeare >
IV. verb
(totaled or totalled ; totaled or totalled ; totaling or totalling ; totals)
transitive verb
1. : to add up : compute
 < these figures were arrived at by totaling all entries — H.J.Hanham >
 < total the sensuous possibilities latent in silk, linen, wool, leather, and furs — Hunter Mead >
2. : to come to a total of : amount to : number
 < in July of this year consumer credit totaled roughly $27 billion — World >
 < jute mills … total about a hundred — Walter Bally >
 < professing Christians totaled less than one percent of the population — K.S.Latourette >
intransitive verb
: to compute a total : add
 < this adding machine totals to 999,999.99 >
V. transitive verb
: to make a total wreck of (as a vehicle) : damage so badly that the cost of repairs exceeds the market value of the vehicle : demolish




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