

单词 art
释义 art
Etymology: Middle English art, ert, from Old English eart; akin to Old Norse est, ert, (thou) art, Gothic is, Latin es, Greek essi, Sanskrit asi, Old English is is — more at is
present second singular of be
II. \ˈärt, ˈȧt, usu -d.+V\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin art-, ars — more at arm
 a. : the power of performing certain actions especially as acquired by experience, study, or observation : skill, dexterity
  < there's an art to tightrope walking >
  (1) : skill in the adaptation of things in the natural world to the uses of human life : human contrivance or ingenuity
   < are these chipped stones the product of art >
  (2) obsolete : technical skill often as though aided by magic
2. : a branch of learning:
 a. : one of the humanities traditionally including history, philosophy, literature, languages, and the fine arts
  < the College of Arts and Sciences >
 b. arts plural : the liberal arts
  < bachelor of arts >
 c. archaic : learning, scholarship
 a. : an occupation or business requiring knowledge or skill : craft
 b. : an organization of men practicing a craft or trade
  < the art of Wool, that is, … the corporation of the dealers in wool — C.E.Norton >
 c. : the general principles of any branch of learning or of any developed craft : a system of rules or of organized modes of operation serving to facilitate the performance of certain actions
  < the art of building >
  < the art of engraving >
  < the art of navigation >
 d. : systematic application of knowledge or skill in effecting a desired result
 a. : application of skill and taste to production according to aesthetic principles : the conscious use of skill, taste, and creative imagination in the practical definition or production of beauty
 b. : the product of skill and taste applied according to aesthetic principles : expression of beauty : works of art
  < an art gallery >
 a. archaic : a skillful plan or device
  < employed every art to soothe the discontented — T.B.Macaulay >
 b. : cunning, artifice
  < I swear I use no art at all — Shakespeare >
  < she owes her wavy hair to art rather than to nature >
 c. : artificial and studied behavior
  < arts that allure, the magic nod and wink — Robert Browning >
 a. : the craft of the artist; specifically : the technical devices used by a painter regarded especially as a subject of study
 b. : a method or device that produces an artistic effect or is used for decorative purposes
  < art needlework >
 a. : fine arts
 b. : one of the fine arts
 c. : a plastic art
 d. : a graphic art
 e. : painting
8. : decorative or illustrative elements in printed matter as distinguished from the text or other parts printed from standard alphabetic types; especially : the illustrative material of a newspaper or periodical
 skill, cunning, artifice, craft, art can mean, in common, the faculty, usually expert, of performing or executing what is planned or devised. skill stresses technical knowledge, proficiency, or expertness
  < a first-rate specimen of the composer's art, the interpreter's skill and the engineer's craft — Herbert Weinstock >
  < dentistry as a skill alone is limited at present largely to repair and restoration — J.B.Conant >
  < varying skill and thoroughness in the detection of crime — Havelock Ellis >
  < a skilled toolmaker >
  cunning may emphasize special, often tricky, inventive or creative power
  < the cunning and consummate artistry by which he has achieved certain effects — J.D.Adams >
  < his unerring eye and his incomparable cunning of hand … a most able painter — Laurence Binyon >
  < a scout whose cunning exceeded that of the Indian — American Guide Series: Arizona >
  artifice can stress skill or intelligence in contriving or devising, but usually stresses at the same time a certain lack of true creative power, a certain artificiality
  < what amazing artifice is found under that apparently straightforward tale — A.T.Quiller-Couch >
  < no matter what skill is displayed toward objectifying fiction, the omniscience of the author is naturally assumed … but such is artifice that it attempts to conceal this basic convention — Robert Humphrey >
  < he heightened the artifice of this style — its inversions, its verbal encrustation, its complexity of syntax, yet combined it with the natural speech rhythms and homely idioms — C.D.Lewis >
  craft can suggest ingenuity and subtlety in workmanship or trickery or guile; applied to a skilled pursuit or vocation, it may suggest a lower type of skill or inventive power joined with mastery of materials and technique but lacking true creative force or quality
  < professional writers who take their craft seriously — M.D.Geismar >
  < small teams of dressmakers, each of them a mistress of her craftChoice of Careers: Dressmaking >
  < no great artist but a master of his craft >
  art is the most variable of these words in meaning, often interchangeable with, often contrasting with, the others: its significant weight can fall upon recondite, inventive, or creative power
  < the rare art of the alchemist or witch doctor >
  It can, like skill, suggest proficiency or expertness
  < the shoemaker's art >
  < arts such as medicine, husbandry — Benjamin Farrington >
  or, like craft, or, rarely, like artifice, can point to skill, ingenuity, and inventiveness in contriving even though the act or result lacks any true creative force or quality
  < handmade tools, utensils, and furniture of the premachine age, … are interesting as art because of skillful handling of materials — American Guide Series: Michigan >
  < practicing their arts as masons, brickmakers, carpenters, leather dressers — American Guide Series: Maryland >
  < to gain an end by one art or another >
  But more frequently and in its most distinct sense art contrasts with skill, artifice, and craft in putting stress upon something more, in implying a personal, unanalyzable creative force that transmits and raises the art or product beyond a skill, artifice, or craft though it may involve the essential elements of all of these
  < to turn from the mere skill of figurine making to the art of sculpture >
  < most of the symbolic details are examples of artifice rather than of art — R.M.Kain >
  < so much English acting which is very fine … is so satisfactory as craft and so limited as art — H.E.Clurman >
III. adjective
1. : composed or created with conscious artistry — opposed to folk
 < an art ballad >
 < an art song >
2. : designed for decorative purposes or to produce an artistic effect
 < art pottery >
IV. abbreviation
1. article
2. artificial
3. artillery
4. artist




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