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ar·thrit·ic I. \(ˈ)är|thrid.ik, (ˈ)ȧ|-, -itik, -ēk\ adjective also ar·thrit·i·cal \-ə̇kəl, -ēk-\ Etymology: arthritic alter. (influenced by Latin arthriticus) of earlier artetic, arthetic, from Middle English artetyk, arthretik, from Middle French artetique, modification of Latin arthriticus, from Greek arthritikos, from arthritis + -ikos -ic; arthritical alteration (influenced by Latin arthriticus) of earlier artetical, from artetic + -al 1. : of, relating to, or affected with arthritis 2. : creaky especially with age < enough singable songs have been produced to take the place of the present arthritic repertory — New Yorker > • ar·thrit·i·cal·ly \-ə̇k(ə)lē, -ēk-, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) : a person affected with arthritis |