

单词 limpid
释义 lim·pid
\ˈlimpə̇d\ adjective
Etymology: French or Latin; French limpide, from Latin limpidus, from limpa, lumpa water — more at lymph
 a. : completely free from cloudiness or other obstacles to the passage of light
  < the water itself is so limpid that you can get no concept of depth by peering down into it — Thomas Barbour >
  < a limpid stream, through which we see to the very bottom — Lindley Murray >
 b. : clear and simple in style : readily intelligible
  < absolute simplicity of subject is matched by limpid and artless style — C.S.Kilby >
2. : absolutely serene and untroubled
 < still shows the benign effects of a limpid childhood — Time >
 < my conscience limpid — Geoffrey Household >
Synonyms: see clear




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