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ar·ti·cle I. \ˈär]d.ə̇kəl, ˈȧ], ]tə̇-, -ēk-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin articulus division, part, joint, diminutive of artus joint; akin to Old English eard condition, fate, Middle High German art innate character, nature, Old Norse einarthr firm, single, Latin art-, ars skill, Greek artyein to arrange, prepare, Sanskrit ṛta fit, right — more at arm 1. a. : a distinguishable and usually separately marked section (as of a creed, statute, indictment, treaty, legacy, or other writing consisting of two or more such sections) < an article of the constitution > b. : a distinct and separate point, count, charge, or clause < an explanation of the statute in six articles > c. : a condition or stipulation especially in a contract or a creed — often used in plural < sign ship's articles > < articles of indenture > < articles of faith > d. : a paragraph, section, or other distinct part of a document < mentioned in the next article > e. : a generally short nonfictional prose composition usually forming an independent portion of a publication (as a newspaper, magazine, or encyclopedia) < write an article for a magazine > < have you seen the article in the morning newspaper > 2. archaic : a particular juncture, point of time, or moment — used especially in the phrase article of death 3. a. : a particular item of business : matter < a very great revolution that has happened in this article of good breeding — Joseph Addison > b. : a distinct detail or particular (as of an action or proceeding) < each article of human duty — William Paley > 4. : any of a usually small set of words or affixes used with substantives (as nouns) to limit, individualize, or give definiteness or indefiniteness to their application (as a, an, the) — traditionally considered an adjective; compare definite I 3a, indefinite I 5. : a material thing : item, object < articles of diet > < scarce articles command high prices > 6. a. : a thing of a particular class or kind as distinct from a thing of another class or kind < this disclaimer to any resemblance between a real cowhand and the Hollywood article — M.C.Boatright > b. : one who is adept or practiced < as a professional gambler was about the slickest article in his line — H.E.Fosdick > c. : person < the second clerk … was a fairly smooth article — Frederick Way > 7. a. obsolete : a joint of the body b. : an articulated segment of an appendage in arthropods II. verb (articled ; articled ; articling \-k(ə)liŋ\ ; articles) Etymology: Middle English articlen, from article, n. transitive verb 1. archaic a. : to set forth in distinct particulars : specify b. : to set forth or charge someone with (offenses) 2. a. obsolete : to stipulate especially in a treaty b. : to bind by articles (as of apprenticeship) < articled at seventeen to a well-known London architect — J.D.Beresford > intransitive verb 1. archaic : to bring a particularized charge or accusation 2. archaic : to make an arrangement or agreement : stipulate |