释义 |
lin·eal I. \ˈlinēəl\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin linealis, from Latin linea line + -alis -al 1. : of or relating to a line : measured on or ascertained by a line : having the direction of a line : linear < lineal magnitude > < 50 lineal feet of walk > 2. : composed of or arranged in lines < lineal designs > < a lineal rather than a literal translation > 3. a. : consisting of or being in a direct male or female line of ancestry or descent < a lineal descent > < lineal heirs > < a lineal ancestor > — distinguished from collateral b. : relating to or derived from ancestors in the direct line < lineal rights > < lineal dignity > : hereditary < a lineal feud > c. : descended in a direct line : being in a line of succession through lineage 4. a. : belonging to one lineage < lineal relatives > b. : of, relating to, or dealing with a lineage < written in lineal terminology > < a lineal chief > 5. : of or relating to the line or officers of the line in an army or navy • lin·eal·i·ty \ˌlinēˈaləd.ē\ noun -es • lin·eal·ly \ˈlinēəlē, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) : a lineal descendant |