释义 |
lin·ear I. \ˈlinēə(r)\ adjective Etymology: Latin linearis, from linea line + -aris -ar 1. a. : of or relating to a line: as (1) : following a straight course : being or going in a straight direction (2) of music : horizontal (3) of a unit of measure : involving a single dimension : not square or cubic b. : consisting of or arranged in a line: as (1) : capable of being represented by a straight line on a graph — used of a relationship between two variables such that a change in one is accompanied by a proportional change in the other < the relation between urban population percentage and propensity to compete is not linear — V.O.Key > < this series of samples may have been drawn from a population in which there is a linear relation between age and height — G.W.Snedecor > < many sweeping systems of cosmology have been based on this linear (directly proportionate) relationship between the distance of galaxies and their speed — Time > (2) : having or showing a linear relationship < instead of a linear trend we find merely temporary fluctuations — P.A.Sorokin > (3) of painting : characterized by an emphasis on line; broadly : having forms that are painted flat and evenly and with precise fully indicated outlines (4) : consisting of an open and usually long straight chain of atoms < a linear molecule > < linear polymers > 2. a. (1) : resembling a line especially in extended length and narrow uniform width : long and slender < a wire is a linear conductor > < a linear leaf > — see leaf illustration (2) : intermediate between linear and a specified characteristic — used in combination < a linear-ensate leaf > < petals linear-obovate > b. of a human body : ectomorphic — opposed to lateral 3. a. : giving a scale reading directly proportional to the quantity measured — used of a measuring instrument b. : being, giving, or involving a response directly proportional to the input — used especially in connection with electronic devices < the amplifier must … have a pronounced linear response several octaves greater, in treble and bass, than you require in practical use — David Sarser > < the crystal detector is not linear, so that a given increase in rectified current does not indicate a directly proportional increase in field strength — Radio Amateur's Handbook > 4. : of, relating to, or constituting a segmental phoneme II. adjective 1. : composed of simply drawn lines with little attempt at pictorial representation < linear script > 2. a. : relating to, concerned with, or influenced by the sequential structure of the printed line < linear learning patterns > b. : arranged or presented in a logical or temporal sequence < linear procedures > < the march of events is strictly linear — Robert Towers > |