释义 |
tox·o·plas·ma \ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈplazmə\ noun Etymology: New Latin, from tox- (I) + -plasma 1. capitalized : a genus of parasitic microorganisms of uncertain systematic position usually held to be protozoans related to the sporozoans but possibly belonging among the Fungi, prob. comprising a single species of very low host specificity, and being typically serious pathogens of vertebrates that invade the tissues and induce widespread miliary granulomatous lesions and ulceration 2. plural toxoplasmas \-məz\ or toxoplasma·ta \-məd.ə\ also toxoplasma : an organism of the genus Toxoplasma — see toxoplasmosis • tox·o·plas·mic \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|plazmik\ adjective |