

单词 lingo
释义 lin·go
I. \ˈliŋ(ˌ)gō\ noun
(plural lingoes also lingos)
Etymology: probably from Provençal lengo, lingo tongue, language, from Latin lingua — more at tongue
: language or speech that is thought of as strange: as
 a. : a foreign language especially when of purely local or remote usage
  < became skilled in several tribal lingoes >
 b. : the special vocabulary of a particular field of interest : the jargon, cant, or argot of a particular interest group or class of persons
  < seaman's lingo >
  < hospital lingo >
 c. : language or style in utterance that is characteristic of an individual
  < the shouted invective that is the basis of her lingo >
Synonyms: see dialect
II. noun
or lin·goe \“\
(plural lingoes)
Etymology: probably from French lingot ingot
weaving : a metal weight attached to the bottom of cords in a jacquard harness




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