单词 | depress |
释义 | de·press 1. 2. < depress a typewriter key > : lower: as a. < depressed the mounted gun > < depressed areas below sea level > < where the highway goes through cities you will find, perhaps, a depressed express street … a bridge overhead — William Carter > < raise or depress the roadbed at the crossing of a highway — B.N.Cardozo > b. < confederates in Canada supplied cash for buying gold, shipping it to England and selling it in order to depress Federal currency values — C.H.Coleman > < it has tended to depress the culture of the minority below the point at which a full understanding of poetry becomes possible — C.D.Lewis > < able to depress irritability of the heart muscle by the use of such a drug as procaine > < any number of factors can depress germination in plants > < an injection to depress the excretion > c. < the mere volume of work was enough to crush the most diligent of rulers and depress the most vital — John Buchan > d. e. mathematics 3. Synonyms: < she had been depressed by the failing trade of the shop — Arnold Bennett > < war had blighted his past, depressed his present and clouded his future with grave doubts — E.T.Weir > oppress stresses the fact of a weight or burden calculated to lower but does not stress the effect < the butler, oppressed by the heat of the weather — G.B.Shaw > < the dismaying sense of it [the compulsion of a war period] … oppressed the mind — J.G.Cozzens > weigh (down), weigh (on), and weigh (upon) are used to cover in-between situations; they suggest continuing concern with an urgent oppressive matter calculated to depress < I know too well my own inefficiency; it has weighed on me from youth — Havelock Ellis > < Walter's mind had cleared itself of the depression which had weighed on him so heavily — T.B.Costain > |
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