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tramon·tane I. \trəˈmän.ˌtān, ˈtramən.-\ adjective Etymology: Italian tramontano, from Latin transmontanus, from trans- + montanus of a mountain — more at mountain 1. a. : transalpine — compare cismontane b. : of or characteristic of the countries north of the Alps c. : coming from the north beyond the Alps < a tramontane wind > 2. : lying or being beyond any mountains : coming from the other side of the mountains < sectionalism in Virginia had reared its head in a contest between a cismontane and a tramontane people — American Guide Series: Virginia > 3. : foreign, outlandish, barbarous II. noun (-s) Etymology: Italian tramontano, from tramontano, adjective 1. : one dwelling in a tramontane region: as a. : an inhabitant of a country north of the Alps b. : foreigner, stranger c. : boor 2. [Italian tramontana] : tramontana |