

单词 list
释义 list
I. \ˈlist\ verb
(listed or list ; listed or list ; listing ; lists)
Etymology: Middle English lusten, lysten, listen, from Old English lystan; akin to Old Saxon lustian to desire, long for, Old High German lusten, Old Norse lysta; causative-denominatives from the root of English lust (I)
transitive verb
: to give pleasure to : gratify, suit
 < could have my being while it listed me — W.J.Locke >
intransitive verb
: to have a desire or inclination : choose, wish
 < allowed that mind of mine to stray thereafter as it listed — Rafael Sabatini >
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, probably from listen, v.
1. archaic : inclination, craving, desire
 < which I have neither list nor leisure to recount — Thomas Fuller >
2. archaic : personal inclination : will
 < by the law of the land, and not the arbitrary list … of any man living — Edmund Hickeringill >
III. verb
(listed or list ; listed or list ; listing ; lists)
Etymology: Middle English listen, from Old English hlystan — more at listen
intransitive verb
: to give ear : listen
 < she talks and I am fain to list — Robert Frost >
transitive verb
archaic : to listen to : hear
 < teach your ears to list me with more heed — Shakespeare >
IV. noun
Etymology: Middle English liste, list, from Old English līste; akin to Middle Low German līste edge, border, Old High German līsta, Albanian leth edge, bank, border
 a. obsolete : a strip of cloth
  < gartered with a red and blue list — Shakespeare >
 b. : a band or strip of any material; especially : a narrow strip of wood cut from the edge of a plank or board
 c. : listel
 d. archaic : lister ridge
  (1) : the first thin coat of tin applied in the manufacture of tin plate
  (2) : a rim of tin left on an edge of tin plate after it is coated
2. lists plural but singular or plural in construction [influenced in meaning by Middle French lice lists, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German līsta edge, border]
 a. : a tilting arena or the palisade enclosing it
  < give proof of your knightly worth in the lists tomorrow — Rafael Sabatini >
 b. : an arena for any kind of combat
  < entered the lists against the bull — Frank Yerby >
 c. : a controversy or field of competition
  < enter the lists … for or against practical programs of population resettlement — Ethel Albert >
  < a thick skin and a ready wit make him a good candidate for the political lists >
  < one of Ireland's major industries … has now entered the dollar-earning lists — E.M.Woolf >
3. obsolete
 a. : a line marking a limit or extent : boundary
  < the very list, the very utmost bound of all our purposes — Shakespeare >
 b. : a railing or railed enclosure especially used as an exercising ground
  < a list to ride horses in, much frequented by the gallants in summer — John Evelyn >
 a. chiefly Britain : a strip forming the edge of a woven fabric : selvage
  < pieces having tightly woven lists which curl badly should be sewn together … and dyed in tubular form — C.M.Whittaker & C.C.Wilcock >
 b. archaic : a material resembling selvage
  < have had list nailed round my doors, and stopping every crack — Mary Delany >
5. : a streak of color : stripe
 < a hackle with a blue or dun list — J.E.Leisenring >
specifically : a dark strip along the midline of a horse's back
V. transitive verb
(listed or list ; listed or list ; listing ; lists)
Etymology: Middle English listen, from liste, list, n.
1. obsolete : to put a border around : edge
2. : to cut away a narrow strip (as sapwood) from the edge of
 < staves, air-dried and listed — F.P.Hankerson >
 a. : to prepare (land) for a crop or check (soil) from blowing by making ridges and furrows with a lister — compare listing 2
 b. : to plant (a field) with a lister
VI. noun
Etymology: French liste, from Middle French, group of people, roster, from Old Italian lista band, stripe, row, group, roster, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German līsta edge, border — more at list IV
 a. : a simple series of words or numerals (as the names of persons or objects)
  < guest list >
  < grocery list >
  < there were 109 publications … but the casualty list was long, too — American Guide Series: Washington >
 specifically : an official roster : roll
  < drawing up a list for … party nomination — Richard Scammon >
  — compare active list, blacklist, retired list
 b. : index, catalog, checklist
  < the card catalog in a library … is used mainly as a finding list — Saul Herner >
  < the … disc jumped to the top of the hit list in ten days — R.G.Hubler >
  < the publisher added the book to his fall list >
  < put eggs on the shopping list >
  < check the list of qualifications for a job >
 c. : the total number to be considered or included
  < among the essentials of true democracy, responsible citizenship comes high on the list >
  < added spelling reform to the list of his interests — W.B.Shaw & E.S.Bates >
2. : a record of individual holdings of real and personal property subject to taxation
 < tax the grand list a definite percentage … for school revenue — American Guide Series: Vermont >
3. : the total register of securities admitted to trading on a stock exchange
 < there were many … strong individual stocks in the listSpringfield (Massachusetts) Union >
4. : list price
 < set your own list, take a big markup and still undersell the field — Office Appliances >
VII. verb
transitive verb
 a. : to make a list of : enumerate
  < list five reasons why you enjoyed the book >
  < it is now possible … to list all the amino acids necessary — Americana Annual >
  < list the specialized agencies of the United Nations >
 b. : to include on a list : register, record: as
  (1) : to enter (taxable property) on an official list
  (2) : to enter (a stock or other security) in the list of those officially admitted to dealings on the exchange
  (3) : to place (property) in the hands of a real-estate agent for sale or rent
  (4) : to enter in a price list
 c. : to declare to be : give
  < increased confidence … was listed as a reason for the increase in spending — Dun's Review >
  < twenty-four books … two of them listed as essential library acquisitions — Anthony Boucher >
 d. : to put in writing : show
  < the only membership he lists is in a professional society >
 a. obsolete : to put into a category : classify
  < virtues are listed in the rank of invisible things — Thomas Traherne >
 b. : to put (oneself) down — used with as
  < lists himself as a political liberal >
3. archaic : to recruit or appoint into or as if into military service
 < will list you for my soldier — Sir Walter Scott >
intransitive verb
1. archaic : to enlist in or as if in the armed forces
 < he is going to list with us, and be our clergyman — George Borrow >
2. : to become entered in a catalog with a selling price
 < the wrench alone lists at $3 — Industrial Equipment News >
VIII. verb
Etymology: origin unknown
intransitive verb
: to lean to one side : cant, tilt
 < she lists steeply to port — H.W.Baldwin >
 < the trees … all listed to leeward — Frances G. Patton >
transitive verb
: to cause to list
 < shift tanks and bulldozers in transport's holds, listing the ships — K.M.Dodson >
IX. noun
1. : a deviation from the vertical : cant, tilt
 < water flooding into the hold gave the ship a heavy list to starboard >
 < there was a faint forward list to his body as he walked — Lawrence Williams >
2. : a tendency to incline : leaning
 < a … political list to the left — Paul Woodring >




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