

单词 live
释义 live
I. \ˈliv\ verb
Etymology: Middle English liven, from Old English libban, lifian; akin to Old High German lebēn to live, Old Norse lifa, Gothic liban, Latin caelebs unmarried
intransitive verb
1. : to be alive : have the life of an animal or plant
 < the child lived and grew >
2. : to continue alive
 < the longer I live, I find the folly and the fraud of mankind grow more and more intolerable — Tobias Smollett >
 < lived to a ripe and vigorous old age >
 < had nine children of whom only five lived >
3. : to maintain oneself : feed, subsist
 < lived on peanut-butter sandwiches and milk, but was very contented — Current Biography >
 < a man must always live by his work — Adam Smith >
 < many of our customers lived on high inventories — Monsanto Chemical Co. Annual Report >
 < lived on his relatives >
 < lived by his wits >
4. : to conduct, direct, or pass one's life
 < had religiously lived up to that standard — C.L.Jones >
 < I lived and cared only for science — Harrison Brown >
5. : to occupy a home : dwell, reside
 < lives in the suburbs >
 < the houses in which they lived, the ceremonies of their courts, he cannot accurately figure to himself — Matthew Arnold >
6. : to attain eternal life or beatitude
 < I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live — Jn 11:25 (Revised Standard Version) >
7. : to survive oblivion : remain in human memory or record
 < though you die in combat gory, ye shall live in song and story — W.S.Gilbert >
 < and yet the past lives in us all — W.R.Inge >
 < the desire of man to live on through his deeds, characteristic of the erection of pyramids — John Dewey >
8. : to flourish in human life or consciousness : retain effect, existence, or vigor
 < his name cannot die while courage and honor live among men >
9. : to outlast storm or danger : remain afloat or operative — used of a ship or airplane
 < the 20 to 25 Jap torpedo planes managed to live long enough to launch four torpedoes — Ira Wolfert >
10. : to realize the possibilities of life amply : attain fulfillment or satisfaction
 < the boy who is mentally awake lives more in a day than a dull boy does in a month — Boy Scout Handbook >
 < I smile when I find people cheerfully talking of “happiness” as something to be desired in life. I have lived — Havelock Ellis >
11. : cohabit
 < for 18 months she had lived with that Canadian colonel — Fred Majdalany >
transitive verb
1. : to pass through or spend the duration of
 < we do not live out our lives unattended by divinity — American Scholar >
 < lived an unforgettable hour that seemed a lifetime >
2. : enact, practice
 < what other men were preaching, he lived — P.E.More >
 < images and ideas which can be lived and defended — Stephen Spender >
3. : to exhibit vigor, gusto, or enthusiasm in
 < seized life with both hands and lived every minute of it — H.W.Glover >
Synonyms: see reside

- live it up
- live up to
II. \ˈlīv\ adjective
Etymology: short for alive
1. : having life : living
 < she purged a live eel — Robert Burton >
 < ships live cattle >
2. : abounding with life : vital, vivid
 < the portrait is … always live and spirited — Times Literary Supplement >
 < a live appreciation of the role of cultural forces in history — L.A.White >
 < he saw an oldening, flaccid face with live eyes — Maurice Walsh >
3. : exerting force or containing energy: as
 a. : afire, glowing
  < tossed a live cigarette from the car >
 b. : connected to electric power
  < a thousand-volt wire, live and burning with its power — Adria Langley >
 c. : charged with explosives and containing shot or a bullet
  < a live shell >
  < a live cartridge >
  < live ammunition >
 also : undischarged, unexploded
  < a live bomb >
 d. : imparting or driven by power : having motion
  < the live center of a lathe >
  < live conveyor rolls >
 e. : charged with fissionable material
  < the pile was built up … with alternating layers of live and dead blocks — L.R.Hafstad >
4. : living in thought or controversy : of continuing interest : open to debate : not settled or decided : unclosed
 < long-standing denominational disputes still were live issues — Oscar Handlin >
5. : being in a pure native state: as
 a. of a mineral : native, virgin
 b. of rock : unwrought, unquarried
 a. : of bright vivid color
 b. : of normal brightness or luster — used of timber and lumber
7. : highly reverberant — used of a room or enclosed space in which sound is produced; compare anechoic, dead 10
 a. of a playing card : available for play because still in the hands or stock
 b. : being in play
  < a live ball >
9. of rubber : springy, resilient
 a. : not yet printed from or plated : to be held for possible further or future printing — used of a printing surface
 b. : not yet typeset; also : typeset but not yet proofread
 c. : used for storing or holding live matter
 a. : of or relating to a performance done without mechanical reproduction by phonograph or cinema : presented directly by musicians or actors in concert hall or theater or on radio or television : not recorded or filmed
 b. : present and responsive — used of a radio or television studio audience
III. \ˈlīv\ adverb
: at the actual time of occurrence : during or at a live performance
 < the sessions were carried live in their entirety by the public television station — Peter Binzen >




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