释义 |
tran·si·tive I. \ˈtran(t)səd.]iv, ˈtraan-, -nzə-, -ət]\ adjective Etymology: Late Latin transitivus, from Latin transitus (past participle of transire to cross over, pass) + -ivus -ive — more at transient 1. a. of a verb form : expressing an action that carries over from an agent or subject to an object : taking a direct object b. of a grammatical construction : containing a transitive verb form 2. : passing or leading successively on to members of a class or a series of developments : transient 2 < a moment connected with a wider complex of moments in a transitive chain that goes on indefinitely — Eliseo Vivas > < the main use of transitive parts is to lead us from one substantive conclusion to another — William James > specifically : of or relating to a logical relationship between x,y, and z such that if x has a specified relation to y and y to z then x has this relationship to z 3. : of, relating to, or involving transition : transitional < the transitive process of constructing a new philosophy out of the old > 4. : passing or descending to another in law < a transitive covenant binds not only its original maker but also his representatives > • tran·si·tive·ly \]ə̇vlē, -li\ adverb • tran·si·tive·ness \]ivnə̇s\ noun -es II. noun (-s) : a verb form or grammatical construction expressive of transitive force |