

单词 at
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: at issue , or keep at , or king at arms , or kiss-me-at-the-gate , or at large , or at-large , or at last , or at latest , or lay at , or at least , or at leisure , or at length , or at liberty , or lift at , or at loggerheads , or at long last , or at the longest , or at long bowls , or look at , or at loose ends , or at a loss , or asleep at the switch , or assault-at-arms , or at all assays , or man-at-arms , or at the market , or at the mast , or master-at-arms , or at after , or at and from , or at it , or at law , or at- , or at the mercy of , or at about , or at all , or at bat , or messenger-at-arms , or at-homeness , or at once , or at one , or attorney-at-law , or at most , or nap-at-noon , or near-at-hand , or at need , or officer at arms , or official at bat , or all at once , or at outs , or at one's back , or at peace , or at one's peril , or pick at , or plane at infinity , or at point , or point at infinity , or poke fun at , or at bar , or at present , or at this present , or at a price , or prisoner at large , or barrister-at-law , or at quiet , or at rack and manger , or at random , or at any rate , or at this rate , or representative-at-large , or at rest , or at retail , or at right angles , or right at , or at rovers , or run at check , or at a rush , or at beck and call , or go off at score , or at sea , or secretary at war , or sergeant at arms , or sergeant-at-law , or sergeant-at-mace , or serjeant-at-law , or at one's service , or set at , or set at defiance , or set at naught , or shoot at , or at side , or at first sight , or at sight , or at the sign of , or sit at one's feet , or sit at table , or at sixes and sevens , or skeleton at the feast , or slash at , or snap one's fingers at , or sneeze at , or at speed , or at square , or at staff's end , or at stake , or at a stand , or statutes at large , or at a long stay , or at a short stay , or stick-at-itive , or stick-at-nothing , or stoppage at source , or at a stroke , or at stud , or swear at , or at swords' points , or bite the thumb at , or take one at one's word , or talk at , or tear at , or tenancy at sufferance , or tenancy at will , or tenant at sufferance , or tenant at will , or at term , or at full throttle , or tilt at windmills , or at tilt , or at the same time , or at times , or time at bat , or trial at bar , or trial at nisi prius , or at every turn , or at twice , or at unawares , or un-come-at-able , or unlooked at , or at a blow , or at value , or at variance , or at a venture , or at the view , or at the volley , or wag-at-the-wall , or at a why-not , or at will , or at a word , or at work , or work at , or fly at , or at bottom , or at the bottom of , or at the bottom of one's heart , or at risk , or where it's at , or at home , or at that , or at the bridge , or at a fee , or at a loose end , or at daggers , or at daggers drawing , or at doors , or at even hands , or at mast , or at nurse , or at one stroke , or at one's ease , or at one's leisure , or at owner's risk , or at request , or at six and seven , or at stave's end , or at that rate , or at the bar , or at the bottom , or at the elbow , or at the hand of , or at the latest , or at the least , or at the most , or at the point , or at unaware , or burn the candle at both ends , or burst at the seams , or official time at bat , or at call , or throw the eye at , or at capacity , or champ at the bit , or at a clap , or close-at-hand , or collection at source , or come at , or come-at-able , or at command , or common at large , or congressman-at-large , or counselor-at-law , or at daggers drawn , or at death's door , or in at the death , or at a discount , or at discretion , or ambassador-at-large , or at door , or at one's door , or at one's doorstep , or down-at-heel , or drive at , or at the drop of a hat , or at ease , or at one's elbow , or out at elbows , or amount at risk , or estate at sufferance , or estate at will , or at even hand , or at all events , or at eye , or throw eyes at , or at anchor , or at fault , or at one's fingertips , or fitchée at the foot , or fling oneself at someone's head , or fly at one's throat , or at foot , or at one's feet , or at the fore , or friend at court , or at gaze , or gentleman-at-arms , or get at , or go at , or at grade , or at grips , or at gunpoint , or at half-sword , or at close hand , or at first hand , or at hand , or at second hand , or at the hands of , or at third hand , or have at , or at hazard , or at heel , or down at heel , or heir at law , or ill at ease




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更新时间:2025/3/31 7:38:01