

单词 travel
释义 travel
I. \ˈtravəl\ verb
(traveled or travelled ; traveled or travelled ; traveling or travelling \-v(ə)liŋ\ ; travels)
Etymology: Middle English travellen, travailen — more at travail
intransitive verb
1. obsolete : travail
 a. : to go or proceed on or as if on a trip or tour : journey
  < the country through which we have been traveling — Louis Bromfield >
  < many young birds travel north during June — American Guide Series: Louisiana >
  < the surge … traveled southwards along the coast — J.A.Steers >
  < even ideas and emotions traveled slowly in those days — Clive Bell >
  (1) : to move or go as if by traveling : pass
   < my mind traveled back to a hot sultry day in the little … town — Rex Keating >
   < her eyes traveled about the room — Mary R. Rinehart >
   < US 190 travels through a wide stretch … of virgin pine — American Guide Series: Louisiana >
   < most parts of the world are traveling toward a tighter system — Bertrand Russell >
   < the path … for the inspired genius to travel by — H.J.Laski >
  (2) : to move or join in a company or group : associate
   < traveled in left wing circles — Oden & Olivia Meeker >
   — usually used with with
   < no harder a drinker than most of the crowd he traveled with — Robert Sylvester >
   < the liberal intellectuals who … traveled with the party — Margaret Marshall >
 c. dialect : to go on foot : walk
  < did you travel or come by boat — American Guide Series: North Carolina >
 d. : to go on a specified circuit or route
  < in the frontier towns most ministers traveled >
  < offering premiums for stallions to travel — Robert Jarvis >
 e. : to go from place to place as a salesman or business agent
  < salesman … was traveling out of St. Louis — E.A.Duddy >
  — often used with in
  < man who traveled in ladies' undies, wholesale — O.S.J.Gogarty >
 a. : to move, advance, or undergo transmission from one place to another
  < the bayonet entered the right rib cage … and traveled upward — Raymond Boyle >
  < the pain … traveled all the way into his head — Ira Wolfert >
  < the sound traveled onto the stage — Warwick Braithwaite >
 b. : to undergo transportation or dissemination
  < loup, like weakfish, travels poorly and should be eaten within a few hours after being caught — A.J.Liebling >
  < cases … which travel in freight cars must be securely packed — Edwin Sutermeister >
  < the whole concept of impressionism … didn't travel well — R.M.Coates >
  < that typical regionalism which travels so poorly in literature — V.S.Pritchett >
 c. : to move in a given direction or path or through a given distance
  < the needles … travel down the face of the cam — W.E.Shinn >
  < the crankpin travels in a circular path >
  < the stylus travels in a groove >
 d. : to move briskly
  < the souped-up car can really travel >
4. : to walk or run with the ball illegally (as in basketball)
transitive verb
1. obsolete : travail
 a. : to journey through or over : traverse
  < everyone should travel at least part of its beautiful valley — Bernard DeVoto >
  < traveled the twenty feet of green carpet with his eyes fixed straight ahead — Scott Fitzgerald >
  < certain roads can be traveled only on horseback — W.E.Rudolph >
 b. : to follow (a course or path) as if by traveling : pursue
  < no other social right has traveled so arduous a road — V.L.Parrington >
  < readers … often voyaged into the world celebrated by the romantic novelist, but few traveled the other way — J.D.Hart >
 c. : to pass over or along (a specified distance)
  < individual cells often have to travel great distances — New Biology >
  < the modern travel book has itself traveled a long way from the formal diary — Geographical Journal >
 d. : to cover or visit (a place or region) as a commercial traveler
  < traveled the Midwest for a soft drink firm — Tom Siler >
3. : to cause to travel : drive, ship
 < the beast … could scarcely be traveled upon a caravel — Galbraith Welch >
 < choose the best time of year to travel cattle >
 < traveling the stallion to different farms — Producing Farm Livestock >

- travel light
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English travel, travail — more at travail
1. obsolete : travail
 a. : the act of traveling, going, or journeying : passage
  < dislikes the discomforts of travel — Agnes Repplier >
  < outlined the probable steps leading to travel in outer space — Current Biography >
  < travel on the plateau is comparatively rapid — E.E.Shipton >
 b. : a journey especially to a distant or unfamiliar place : tour, trip
  < set out on another travel, this time to the Pacific — Current Biography >
  < longest travel for a cake to make without a bruise — Postal Service News >
  < to town and back is a long day's travel >
  — often used in plural
  < extended our travels to parts of the rugged mountains totally unknown — C.B.Hitchcock >
3. travels plural : an account or narration of one's travels especially in book form
 < enjoys reading travels >
4. : power or speed of movement
 < the most necessary qualifications of a dog are travel … and nose — Eric Parker >
 < the new racing shell has tremendous travel >
5. : the number of persons or things traveling : traffic
 < travel on the turnpike is heavy on holidays >
 a. : the movement or progression of something along a route or course
  < the farther the film tray is from the workplace, the more reach or travel is required — E.M.Harwell >
  < during combustion the travel of the flame … should progress at a fairly uniform rate — Ernest Venk >
  < a device to time the travel of satellites around the earth >
 b. : the motion of a piece of machinery especially to and fro in a prescribed line or direction
  < a timing device to make the high-voltage source perform at the set position of piston travelAircraft Power Plants >




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