

单词 lock
释义 lock
I. \ˈläk\ noun
Etymology: Middle English lok, lokk, from Old English locc; akin to Old Frisian & Old Saxon lok lock of hair, Old High German loc, Old Norse lokkr lock, Latin luctari, luctare to struggle, wrestle, luxus dislocated, Greek lygos withe, lygizein to bend, twist, Lithuanian lugnas flexible; basic meaning: to bend
 a. : a tuft, tress, or ringlet of hair as it grows
 b. locks plural : the hair of the head
 c. obsolete : a tress of false or artificial hair
2. : a cohering bunch of wool, cotton, flax, or other natural fiber : tuft, flock: as
 a. locks plural : short inferior wool obtained in small bunches (as from the legs) and not part of the coherent fleece
 b. : the cotton lint contained in a single cell of a cotton boll; also : a cell of a cotton boll
3. : a usually small quantity especially of hay or straw : bundle, heap
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English lok, from Old English loc; akin to Old English lūcan to lock, close, Old High German loh enclosure, prison, cave, opening, Old High German lūhhan to close, Old Norse lok, loka lock of a door, lūka to close, Gothic galūkan to enclose, usluk opening, Old English locc lock of hair — more at lock I
 a. : a fastening (as for a door, box, trunk lid, drawer) in which a bolt is secured by any of various mechanisms and can be released by inserting and turning a key or by operating a special device (as a combination, time clock, automatic release button, magnetic solenoid)
 b. obsolete : hobble, shackle
 c. : the mechanism by which the charge or cartridge of a firearm is exploded — often used in combination; see gunlock, matchlock
 a. obsolete : a movable barrier across a stream
 b. archaic : the space of water between the piers of a bridge
  (1) : an enclosure (as in a canal, river, or dock) with gates at each end used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from level to level
  (2) : air lock 1
 a. : a locking or fastening together : a closing of one thing upon another
 b. : a group of objects (as vehicles) intricately massed together so as to impede the freedom or mobility of individual objects : a block or jam especially of traffic
  (1) : a hold in wrestling secured on one part of the body
   < an armlock >
   < a leg lock >
  (2) obsolete : stratagem, trick
  (3) obsolete : difficulty, dilemma
 d. : plaster forced through laths to form a key
 e. archaic : a receiver or place for receipt of stolen goods
 f. or lock seam : a joint made by folding over two or more lapped edges of sheet metal
 g. : the contact of a tooth of the escape wheel of a timepiece with the locking surface of the pallet; specifically : the amount by which the escape tooth overlaps the pallet at the instant it leaves the impulse face
  (1) : the joint at which two panels of a rail fence are locked together
  (2) : the triangular area in a field formed by the corner panels of a rail fence
4. [by shortening] : oarlock, rowlock
5. : lock forward
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English lokken, from lok, n.
transitive verb
1. : to fasten the lock of
 < lock the door >
: make fast with or as if with a lock
 < closed and locked the box >
— often used with up
 < don't forget to lock up all the doors and windows >
 < lock up the house >
 a. : to fasten in or out or to make secure or inaccessible by means of or as if by means of locks : confine or shut in or out
  < lock oneself in >
  < lock up the prisoners >
  < locked their secret in her heart >
  < locking the child in his arms >
  < a ship locked fast in ice >
 b. : to hold fast or inactive : overcome, fix
  < a mind locked in contemplation >
  < sleep locking the tired eyelids >
3. : to make fast by or as if by interlacing or interlocking of parts
 < locking arms across the table >
 a. : to make fast or rigid by the engaging of parts or the action of a restraint especially friction
  < lock the wheels of a carriage >
 b. : to hold in a close embrace
  < locked in each other's arms >
 also : to grapple in combat
  < locked in a death struggle >
 c. : to fasten (imposed letterpress matter) securely in a chase or on the bed of a press by tightening the quoins; also : to attach (a curved printing plate) to the plate cylinder of a rotary press — usually used with up
4. : to invest (capital) where conversion into money is not easy — usually used with up
 < had his resources locked up in the canal scheme >
 a. : to move or permit to pass (as a ship) by raising or lowering in a lock — often used with in, out, down, up, or through
 b. : to provide (as a canal) with locks
 c. : to divide off (a portion of a river) by a lock — used with off
intransitive verb
1. : to become locked : become fixed or fast by or as if by means of a lock
 < the door locks easily >
2. : interlace, interlock
 < the sections lock into one another >
 a. of a vehicle : to permit the fore wheels to swivel round with more or less freedom in turning
 b. of wheels : to have such freedom of motion
 a. : to build locks to facilitate navigation
 b. : to go or pass by means of a lock (as in a canal)
  < locked into the new canal >

- lock horns
IV. adjective
: capable of being made fast : lockable
V. transitive verb
Etymology: Dutch locken, from Middle Dutch; akin to Old English loccian to attract, entice, Old High German lockōn, lucchen to entice, allure, Old Norse lokka, and probably to Old High German liogan to lie — more at lie (tell a falsehood)
archaic : allure, entice, seduce
VI. noun
1. : a controlling hold
 < had a lock on the market — L.S.Richman >
2. : someone or something that is assured of success or a favorable outcome
 < he was a lock to be elected — Austin Murphy >




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