

单词 tree
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: iron tree , or ivory tree , or ivy tree , or jack tree , or jak tree , or jamaica senna tree , or japanese angelica tree , or japanese lacquer tree , or japanese pagoda tree , or japanese raisin tree , or japanese tree lilac , or japanese varnish tree , or japanese wax tree , or japan tree lilac , or jesse tree , or argan tree , or joshua tree , or judas tree , or juniper tree , or kanya tree , or kapok tree , or karri-tree , or katsura tree , or kentucky coffee tree , or kola tree , or konker tree , or lacquer tree , or lac tree , or laurel-tree , or lead tree , or leopard tree , or lesser peach tree borer , or life tree , or lime tree , or line tree , or loblolly tree , or locust tree , or lotus tree , or magic tree , or maidenhair tree , or maidenhair-tree family , or mammoth tree , or marmalade tree , or mastic tree , or mast tree , or may tree , or mazer tree , or mealy tree , or melon tree , or athel tree , or mignonette tree , or milk tree , or ming tree , or monk's pepper tree , or mother tree , or musk tree , or myrtle tree , or australian bean tree , or australian grass tree , or australian nettle tree , or australian sugar tree , or australian turpentine tree , or necklace tree , or nettle tree , or new zealand pepper tree , or new zealand tea tree , or nicker tree , or nim tree , or nitta tree , or nurse tree , or olive tree , or olive-tree agaric , or opossum tree , or orange-tree butterfly , or orchid tree , or ordeal tree , or owala tree , or oyster tree , or pacific tree toad , or pagoda tree , or palm-tree cabbage , or paradise tree , or peach tree bark beetle , or peach tree borer , or pea tree , or pepper tree , or peruvian mastic tree , or phoenix tree , or pickering's tree frog , or pick tree , or pigeon tree , or pine tree , or pine-tree lizard , or pine tree shilling , or piney tree , or pipe tree , or balsam-of-copaiba tree , or balsam tree , or balsam-tree family , or pitch tree , or pith tree , or planer tree , or plane tree , or plane-tree family , or plane-tree maple , or plum tree , or poisonberry tree , or poison tree , or polecat tree , or porphyrian tree , or portia tree , or potato tree , or pottery-bark tree , or pottery tree , or pounce tree , or bark cloth tree , or prickly tea tree , or bark tree , or princess tree , or provision tree , or prune tree , or pudding-pipe tree , or punk tree , or purslane tree , or quinine tree , or quiver tree , or radish tree , or rain tree , or bastard bullet tree , or raisin tree , or randle tree , or rannel tree , or bastard tree , or red cotton tree , or red tree mouse , or bat tree , or bay-rum tree , or respiratory tree , or bay tree , or bead tree , or ribbon tree , or rice-paper tree , or beam tree , or bean tree , or rose tree , or rough-leaf tree , or rough-tree rail , or roundheaded apple tree borer , or rowan tree , or rubber tree , or beaver tree , or sacred bo tree , or saint thomas tree , or salad tree , or sal tree , or salt tree , or sandal tree , or sandarac tree , or sandbox tree , or sandpaper tree , or santa maria tree , or beech-tree , or sausage tree , or saw tree , or scarb-tree , or bee tree , or screen tree , or screw tree , or sea tree , or seed tree , or bell olive tree , or bell tree , or senna tree , or service tree , or bendy tree , or shade tree , or shad tree , or shea butter tree , or shea tree , or benjamin tree , or shingle tree , or shoe tree , or siberian pea tree , or sight tree , or silk-cotton tree , or silk-tassel tree , or silk tree , or silver tree , or silver tree fern , or berry tree , or smoke tree , or snag tree , or snowdrop tree , or snowy tree cricket , or soap tree , or sole tree , or bher tree , or sorrel tree , or spar tree , or spice tree , or spikenard tree , or spindle tree , or sponge tree , or spotted tree , or spur tree , or staff tree , or staff-tree family , or big tree , or big-tree plum , or bihar tree , or state tree , or stinging tree , or strangler tree , or strawberry tree , or striped tree squirrel , or stump tree , or sugar tree , or sunflower tree , or sun tree , or surinam cabbage tree , or tail tree , or tallow tree , or tanbark tree , or tea oil tree , or tea tree , or tea-tree oil , or teil tree , or temple tree , or black cabbage tree , or texas umbrella tree , or thorn tree , or three-leaved hop tree , or ti tree , or tolu tree , or tongue tree , or toothache tree , or toothbrush tree , or torch tree , or torch-tree family , or torrey tree , or black tree fern , or black-varnish tree , or bladder tree , or trap tree , or traveler's-tree , or up a tree , or tree agate , or tree aloe , or tree ant , or tree azalea , or tree bear , or tree belt , or tree boa , or tree bracket , or tree burst , or tree cactus , or tree calf , or tree cat , or tree cat's-claw , or tree celandine , or tree civet , or tree class , or tree clover , or tree clubmoss , or tree cobra , or tree cony , or tree coral , or tree cotton , or tree crab , or tree cranberry , or tree creeper , or tree cricket , or tree cypress , or tree daisy , or tree digger , or tree dog , or tree-dozer , or tree duck , or tree farm , or tree farmer , or tree farming , or tree fern , or tree frog , or tree fruit , or tree fuchsia , or tree goose , or tree guard , or tree heath , or tree hoopoe , or tree house , or tree huckleberry , or tree hyrax , or tree ipomoea , or tree kangaroo , or tree lark , or tree lawn , or tree lilac , or tree line , or tree lucerne , or tree lungwort , or tree lupine , or tree mallow , or tree marten , or tree martin , or tree medic , or tree mildew , or tree milk , or tree molasses , or tree moss , or tree mouse , or tree myrtle , or tree nymph , or tree of heaven , or tree of jesse , or tree of life , or tree of porphyry , or tree onion , or tree orchid , or tree oyster , or tree partridge , or tree peony , or tree pie , or tree pipit , or tree planting , or tree poppy , or tree porcupine , or tree primrose , or tree rat , or tree ring , or tree-ripe , or tree root rot , or tree rose , or tree-run , or tree runner , or tree shrew , or tree sparrow , or tree spirit , or tree squirrel , or tree steppe , or tree stool , or tree sugar , or tree surgeon , or tree surgery , or tree swallow , or tree swift , or tree toad , or tree tobacco , or tree tomato , or tree trimmer , or tree veld , or tree viper , or tree wallaby , or tree warden , or tree wax , or tree yucca , or triple tree , or trumpet tree , or tulip tree , or tulip tree scale , or tung oil tree , or tung tree , or turn-tree , or turpentine tree , or blinding tree , or umbra tree , or umbrella tree , or blood tree , or varnish tree , or vegetable-tallow tree , or vinegar tree , or board tree , or wall tree , or bodhi tree , or water-lily tree , or water tree , or wax tree , or wayfaring tree , or weed tree , or weeping pea tree , or well-and-tree platter , or whalebone tree , or wheel tree , or white silk-cotton tree , or white tea tree , or wild service tree , or willow tree , or winged spindle tree , or wolf tree , or woman's-tongue tree , or wood oil tree , or wood-oil-tree family , or wool tree , or yam tree , or yew tree , or boot tree , or decision tree , or bo tree , or bottery tree , or bottle tree , or tree ear , or tree hugger , or brazilian pepper tree , or bread tree , or broadleaf tree , or bronchial tree , or broom tree , or American wayfaring tree , or California bay tree , or buckwheat tree , or Japanese lacquer tree , or buffalo tree , or american plane tree , or bullet tree , or bottlebrush tea tree , or brazil-nut tree , or bully tree , or cabbage-bark tree , or coral bean tree , or garlic pear tree , or golden chain tree , or butter tree , or button tree , or cabbage tree , or cabbage-tree hat , or large-leaved cucumber tree , or london plane tree , or calabur tree , or para rubber tree , or pen-tailed tree shrew , or piney varnish tree , or pink shower tree , or calico tree , or california bay tree , or california pepper tree , or california poppy tree , or california tree poppy , or silver-bell tree , or camphor tree , or tree aster , or tree dassie , or tree of Jesse , or tree of the gods , or tree-ripened , or candelabrum tree , or candle tree , or woman's tongue tree , or cannonball tree , or caoutchouc tree , or caper tree , or african tea tree , or catawba tree , or ceylon tea tree , or chameleon tree frog , or chandelier tree , or chaste tree , or chatterbox tree , or cherry-tree gum , or china tree , or chinese cork tree , or chinese parasol tree , or chinese pea tree , or chinese tallow tree , or chinese tree wax , or chinese varnish tree , or chocolate tree , or ague tree , or cigar tree , or clothes tree , or clove tree , or coat-tree , or coffee tree , or cola tree , or cone tree , or copal tree , or coral tree , or cordage tree , or cork tree , or corner tree , or cotton tree , or covin-tree , or cow tree , or cream-of-tartar tree , or crybaby tree , or cucumber tree , or alligator tree , or daisy tree , or dogberry tree , or dog tree , or amber tree , or doom tree , or dove tree , or down tree , or dragon tree , or drumstick tree , or american judas tree , or american nettle tree , or american service tree , or american spindle tree , or american vegetable-tallow tree , or eardrop tree , or american wayfaring tree , or ear-leaved umbrella tree , or ear tree , or elephant tree , or elk tree , or empress tree , or epaulette tree , or etua tree , or family tree , or family-tree theory , or fan tree , or feather tree , or fern tree , or fever tree , or fig tree , or fire tree , or five-leaved chaste tree , or flame tree , or angelica tree , or flatheaded apple tree borer , or flinging-tree , or floss-silk tree , or fountain tree , or franklin tree , or fringe tree , or fringe-tree bark , or aniseed tree , or fruit-tree bark beetle , or fruit-tree leaf roller , or fulvous tree duck , or annatto tree , or gallows tree , or geiger tree , or god tree , or gold-dust tree , or goldenrain tree , or goldenrod tree , or gold mohur tree , or gooseberry tree , or gospel tree , or gout tree , or granadilla tree , or grape tree , or grass tree , or grass-tree gum , or graybeard tree , or green tree-ant , or guiana tree , or guild tree , or gum arabic tree , or gum tree , or gutta-gum tree , or hair-branch tree , or hall tree , or handflower tree , or hand tree , or ant tree , or hat tree , or haw tree , or head tree , or heaven tree , or hemp tree , or hillock tree , or hollyhock tree , or holm tree , or holy tree , or honey tree , or hop tree , or horseradish tree , or horsetail tree , or apple tree , or apple tree borer , or apple tree canker , or incense tree , or indian cigar tree , or indian cork tree , or indian wayfaring tree , or india-rubber tree




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更新时间:2025/3/19 18:25:20