单词 | attack |
释义 | at·tack I. transitive verb 1. a. < attack a man without warning > < if we study any modern river we note how determinedly it attacks its banks — W.E.Swinton > : assail especially with force and weapons < attack the enemy positions > : assault b. 2. < the rook is attacking the queen > 3. 4. < the kidneys are attacked by an embryonic tumor — H.R.Litchfield & L.H.Dembo > < attacked by a fever > 5. a. < worms attacked the cabbage plants > b. < the acid attacks the metal cup > 6. < a plan which attacks the four basic problems — Collier's Year Book > intransitive verb < waiting for the enemy to attack > < they attacked furiously in an effort to score the tying goal > Synonyms: < the infantry and air force attacked the town in coordinated waves > < he and other union leaders were physically attacked — Current Biography > < erosion attacked the range and began its relentless work of reducing the land to sea level once more — American Guide Series: New York > assail suggests repeated blows in an attack, as with or as if with shells or sword thrusts < the expedition … assailed by a fleet of fifty-four war canoes — Tom Marvel > < the rain assailed him and thorns tore him — H.G.Wells > < assailed by doubts > assault stresses attack at close quarters, the use of brute strength, suddenness, and violence < pilots hammered a rail marshaling yard, bombing twenty boxcars, while other aircraft assaulted supply buildings — New York Times > < adult ears are not to be assaulted by the sudden screams of childish exuberance — Richard Joseph > bombard means to assail with bombs, suggesting by extension an unremitting importuning or pestering with a series of similar things < naval artillery bombarded the shore fortifications > < magazine editors are bombarded with manuscripts — L.D.Rubin > < he and his office associates were bombarded with requests for box seats — New Yorker > storm stresses a violence, rush, and effectiveness of assault that usually and summarily clears all opposition out of the way < the waves of light tanks stormed the infantry positions — S.L.A.Marshall > < a group of soldiers in the International Brigade stormed the jail — Current Biography > II. 1. < retreat before the infantry attack > — opposed to defense 2. a. < television was used in many parts of the country as an instrument of attack, rather than of argument — Gilbert Seldes > < the team launched an attack that carried deep into enemy territory > b. 3. a. < her vocal attacks are less savage than they once were — Newsweek > b. 4. a. < the solution in each problem calls for a different attack > b. 5. a. < a ragged attack > b. c. 6. 7. a. < won the game with a 16-hit attack > b. c. d. e. f. 8. a. < an attack of bronchitis > b. < an attack of melancholy > III. < an attack formation > < an attack bomber > |
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