

单词 log
释义 log
I. \ˈlȯg also ˈläg\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English logge, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian låg fallen tree, Old Norse lāg; akin to Old Norse liggja to lie — more at lie
 a. : a usually bulky piece or length of unshaped timber; especially : a tree trunk or a length of a trunk or branch trimmed and ready for sawing and usually over six feet long — compare billet, bolt
 b. : a stick of wood cut for fuel (as in a fireplace) usually two to three feet in length with all or part of the bark on it
  < a birch log >
 c. : a heavy piece of wood or sometimes other material attached to the leg (as of a prisoner or an animal) so as to restrain movement
 d. logs plural, slang Australia : a jail especially when of rude construction
2. : one of several devices (as the common one consisting of a log chip and log line) designed to gauge the speed of a ship
3. [short for logbook]
 a. : a daily record of a ship's speed or progress or the full record of a ship's voyage including notes on the ship's position at various times and including notes on the weather and on important incidents occurring during the voyage
 b. : any of various other journals or records in which are noted sequential data on the speed or progress or performance of something:
  (1) : a record of a flight by an airplane or of the operating history of an airplane or of a piece of its equipment or of the flying time of a pilot or other aircrew member
  (2) : a record of the performance of an engine or boiler or similar piece of equipment
  (3) : a record of the progress made in drilling an oil well including notes on formations penetrated and on the casing used and including other pertinent data
  (4) : a record of camera shots taken especially in motion pictures
  (5) : a minute-by-minute record of what is broadcast by a radio station
II. verb
(logged ; logged ; logging ; logs)
transitive verb
  (1) : to cut down for use as logs
   < logged most of the trees in the area >
  (2) : to cut up into logs : saw into logs
   < logging the timber into 7-foot lengths >
 b. : to cut down the trees of (a region) and remove the felled trees from for use as logs
  < had logged off most of that part of the country >
2. : to make a note or record of (the speed, progress, performance, or other sequential details of something) especially in a journal or other record of data : enter details of or about in a log
 < logged the ship's speed at 10 knots >
 a. : to move (an indicated distance) or attain (an indicated speed) as noted in a log
  < the ship logged 100 miles that day >
  < the plane logs 600 miles an hour >
  (1) : to sail a ship or fly an airplane for (an indicated distance or an indicated period of time)
   < asked how many hours he had logged >
  (2) : to have or arrive at a record of (an indicated distance or an indicated period of time) in sailing a ship or flying an airplane : have (an indicated record) to one's credit
intransitive verb
: to fell trees and cut them up into logs and transport the logs to sawmills or a place of sale
III. \ˈläg\ verb
(logged ; logged ; logging ; logs)
Etymology: origin unknown
dialect England : oscillate, rock
IV. \ˈlȯg also ˈläg\ abbreviation or noun
V. abbreviation
1. logic
2. logistic




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