释义 |
at·test I. \əˈtest, aˈ-\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle French attester, from Latin attestari, from ad- + testari to be a witness — more at testament transitive verb 1. a. : to bear witness to : affirm to be true or genuine : certify; specifically : to witness and authenticate by signing as a witness b. : to authenticate officially (as the truth of a writing) c. Britain : to authenticate officially the freedom of (livestock) from a specified disease < an attested herd > 2. : to establish or verify the usage of < railroad is attested earlier than railway — by one year — R.A.Hall b. 1911 > 3. : to be or stand as proof of : manifest < the ruins of Palmyra attest its ancient magnificence > 4. obsolete : to call to witness : invoke 5. : to put on oath or solemn declaration 6. : to enroll for military service < the day on which the recruits were attested > intransitive verb 1. : to bear witness : testify — often used with to < attest to the truth of the statement > 2. : to enroll oneself for service in the armed forces < the day on which the recruits attested > Synonyms: see indicate II. noun (-s) Usage: obsolete : testimony, witness |