释义 |
au·ra \ˈȯrə\ noun (plural auras \-əz\ ; also au·rae \-ˌrē\) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, breeze, air, from Greek; akin to Old English weder weather — more at weather 1. a. : a distinctive and often subtle sensory stimulus (as an aroma) < an aura of rosebuds filled the room > b. : a distinctive highly individualized atmosphere surrounding or attributed to a given source < the warm earthy aura of an old country inn, breathing friendliness and cheer > c. : distinctive appearance or impression : aspect < everything they did had a smug aura of respectability > 2. a. : a luminous radiation : enveloping glow : nimbus < she sparkled with vitality and seemed always to move in an aura of brightness > b. : astral body 3. : a subjective sensation (as of voices, colored lights, or crawling and numbness) experienced before an attack of epilepsy, migraine, or certain other nervous disorders 4. geology : a zone of metamorphism surrounding an intrusive igneous body |