释义 |
au·ra·mine \ˈȯrəˌmēn, -_mə̇n, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈmēn\ noun also au·ra·min \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷_mə̇n\ (-s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary aur- (from Latin aurum gold) + amine; originally formed as German auramin — more at oriole : a bright yellow ketonimine dye C17H22CIN3 of poor lightfastness and stability derived from diphenylmethane and used chiefly in coloring paper, in making pigments, in signal smokes, and as a fluorescent biological stain — called in full auramine O; see dye table 1 (under Basic yellow 2 and Solvent yellow 34) |