释义 |
au·ri·cle \ˈȯrə̇kəl, -rēk-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin auricula, diminutive of auris ear — more at ear 1. a. : the pinna of the ear b. [so called from a resemblance to the external ear of some quadrupeds] : an atrium of the heart c. : auricular appendage 2. : an angular or earlike lobe or process: as a. : one of the plates of the jaw to which the jaw muscles are attached in certain sea urchins with jaws b. : one of a pair of ciliated pitlike organs eversible for swimming in certain rotifers c. : either of the wings at the hinged border of the shell in certain bivalve mollusks (as the scallop) 3. : an ear-shaped appendage (as that at the base of the leaf blade of many grasses) • au·ri·cled \-ld\ adjective |