单词 | trial |
释义 | tri·al I. 1. a. < when several candidates are proposed for the chieftainship the choice is sometimes determined by a trial of skill among the candidates — J.G.Frazer > b. (1) (2) 2. a. b. c. 3. a. < the 20th century … has been a time of recurring trial — D.D.Eisenhower > < hotels are a trial of both spirit and flesh — Nathaniel Peffer > < purified by trial > < the clock's greatest trial occurred … when a bomb fell on the roof — Roy MacNab > b. < despite all setbacks and hard trials — New York Times > < through the trials of an epidemic — Martha T. Stephenson > < the trials and tribulations of traveling over desert, across rocky divide, and floundering in the snowbanks — T.D.Clark > < the relinquishment of this work on account of illness was to her a great trial — Elizabeth Hanscom > < I must have been a trial to the secretary, for all my ideas were of the most precise and British order — Georgina Grahame > broadly 4. < made his first trial on the Delaware with a queer-looking boat having a row of paddles on each side — American Guide Series: New Jersey > < all sorts of sleeping bags have been developed and many have been given extensive trials under various conditions — Morris Fishbein > < after many pauses and many trials of other subjects — Jane Austen > < a conductor's duty to give all well-written works a trial — Warwick Braithwaite > < a brief trial of the plan would convince the people of its futility — F.A.Ogg & P.O.Ray > 5. obsolete 6. 7. a. b. (1) (2) 8. a. b. Synonyms: < the unfinished dresses … so saturated with smoke that he knew she found it a trial to work on them next morning — Willa Cather > < the child's disobedience in public was quite a trial to his mother > tribulation, when it is not completely interchangeable with trial, stresses the suffering of a trial, sometimes connoting a suffering divinely imposed as a test of virtue < the conquest of transatlantic trade by steam navigation softened the incredible tribulations of the old sailing ship voyage — Oscar Handlin > < a simple record of people trying to contend with the gigantic tribulations of poverty — New Yorker > < out of this time of trial and tribulation will be born a new freedom and glory for all mankind — Sir Winston Churchill > affliction stresses the imposition of trouble or suffering < the dark and senseless afflictions of a nightmare — Kenneth Roberts > < death and taxes … these twin afflictions — T.E.Ennis > < from early boyhood the sacrilegious and belligerent Simon had been a growing affliction to his parents — L.C.Douglas > visitation heightens the idea of affliction, stressing the severity of suffering in suggesting an ordeal < a maiming accident or some other visitation of blind fate — Joseph Conrad > < visitations, attacks, pestilences — Vicki Baum > < his inborn fatalism leads him to regard famines as inevitable visitations — Tom Marvel > cross can suggest an underserved suffering or a suffering borne for the sake of a larger unselfish or professedly unselfish good < an ungrateful child was the cross she bore > < endure the cross of poverty and neglect > • - on trial II. 1. 2. 3. 4. < a trial subscription to a magazine > III. IV. V. |
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