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tribrach I. tribrach \ˈtrīˌbrak, ˈtriˌ-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin tribrachys, from Greek, having three short syllables, from tri- three (akin to Greek treis three) + brachys short — more at three, brief : a metrical foot of three short syllables of which two belong to the thesis and one to the arsis; also : a foot of three light syllables none of which carries a speech accent • tri·brach·ic \(ˈ)trī|brakik, trə̇ˈb-\ adjective II. tri·brach \ˈtrīˌbrak\ noun (-s) Etymology: tri- + Greek brachiōn arm — more at brace : a three-branched object, figure, or implement • tri·brachi·al \(ˈ)trī|brakēəl, -brāk-\ adjective |