

单词 trichina
释义 tri·chi·na
I. \trə̇ˈkīnə\ noun
(plural trichi·nae \-ī(ˌ)nē\ ; also trichinas)
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek trichinos of hair, from trich-, thrix hair + -inos -ine; akin to Lithuanian driẽkti to stretch — more at trich-
1. : a small slender nematode worm (Trichinella spiralis) that as an adult is a short-lived parasite of the intestines of a flesh-eating mammal (as man, rat, or hog) where it pairs and produces immense numbers of larvae which migrate to the muscles either directly or through the blood, establish themselves in or between the muscle fibers where they become encysted and may persist for years, and if consumed by a new host in raw or insufficiently cooked meat are liberated by the digestive processes and rapidly become adult to initiate a new parasitic cycle — see trichinosis
2. : trichinosis
tri·chi·nal \-_nəl\ adjective
Etymology: New Latin
synonym of trichinella




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