

单词 loose
释义 loose
I. \ˈlüs\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English loos, lous, from Old Norse lauss loose, free — more at -less
 a. : not rigidly fastened or securely attached : lacking a firm or tight connection : ready to move or come apart from an attachment
  < loose planks in a bridge >
  < sloping sides covered with … loose rock — F.J.R.Rodd >
  (1) : lightly secured or made fast; especially : having worked partly free from attachments
   < a loose tooth >
   < the knife had a loose blade >
   < loose masonry >
  (2) : having relative freedom of movement or arrangement as a result of being only locally restrained or fixed
   < loose ribbons fluttering from her hat >
   < the slamming of a loose shutter >
 c. : produced freely and accompanied by raising of mucus : not dry or harsh : productive
  < a loose cough >
 d. : easily altered or removed : not fast
  < a loose dye >
  < a loose color >
 e. : permitting some freedom of movement — usually used of a stable or a box stall
 f. : not clinging close to the figure : not tight-fitting
  < loose clothing >
2. : free from a state of confinement or restraint:
 a. : free from bonds, fetters, or confining limits
  < a loose convict >
  < a horse loose of his tether >
  < a lion loose in the streets >
 b. : free from constraint or obligation : at liberty : not bound (as by duty or habit)
  < if … your thoughts are loose of state affairs — Joseph Addison >
 c. : not assigned to special use or service : subject to free disposal : having no assigned place or employment
  < loose hours >
  < loose funds >
 d. : not bound together : not brought together in a bundle, container, or binding : not secured in a setting or joined in a fixed combination
  < loose papers >
  < loose hair >
  < loose milk >
 e. archaic : disconnected, detached, random
  < a good deal of loose information — Thomas Carlyle >
  < loose pages >
 f. : not joined to anything else
  < a loose line >
3. : not dense, close, or compact in structure or arrangement: as
 a. : composed of particles capable of free movement
  < loose earth >
  < the action of the tides carried away the loose soil — American Guide Series: Maine >
 b. : not in close order : unserried
  < with horse and chariots ranked in loose array — John Milton >
  < loose flocks drifting slowly from the neighboring jungle — William Beebe >
 c. : having wide spaces or interstices
  < a cloth of loose texture >
 d. : lax III 3c
 e. : lacking compactness or smooth integration of build
  < a strong, loose, round-shouldered, shuffling, shaggy fellow — Charles Dickens >
 a. : lacking in restraint or power of restraint
  < a loose tongue >
  < loose bowels >
 b. : lacking in moral restraint; especially : characterized by immorality : lewd, unchaste, wanton
  < loose writings >
  < a loose life >
  < a loose woman >
 a. : not tightly drawn or stretched : slack
  < drive a pony cart with loose reins >
  < a loose belt >
  < loose skin >
 b. : having a flexible or relaxed character (as from weakness or agility)
  < my knees loose under me — R.L.Stevenson >
  < walked with a loose swinging stride — E.T.Thurston >
 a. : lacking in precision, exactness, or care : inaccurate or indeterminate in construction : lacking in system or logic
  < a loose style >
  < loose reasoning >
  < a loose analogy >
  < a loose thinker >
 b. : lacking in rigidity (as of construction) and permitting freedom of interpretation
  < a loose working agreement >
  < a loose construction of the Federal Constitution >
7. : characterized by limited cohesion between constituent elements and permitting a wide area of freedom of action
 < a loose federation of sovereign principalities — F.A.Ogg & Harold Zink >
 a. : not in strict accordance with the rules : being without special care
  < loose practice >
 b. : characterized by poor quality : inefficient or unskilled in performance
  < loose play >
 c. : having players relatively wide apart
  < a loose formation in football >
  — compare tight
 d. : disputed as to possession : gone from control (as of a player or team)
  < a loose ball >
  < a loose puck >
9. : lax 4
 a. : expressed in or characterized by loose sentences
  < loose style >
 b. : open 18
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English loosen, losen, lousen, from loos, lous, adjective — more at loose I
transitive verb
 a. : to let loose : set free : release from or as if from restraint
  < the railroad had him arrested … but the judge loosed him with a warning — S.H.Adams >
  < war has again been loosed — Arthur Geddes >
  < the corn dance … should loose downpours upon the dry country — Oliver La Farge >
 b. : to free (as the lips or tongue) from restraint
 c. : to give absolution to
  < whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven — Mt 16:19 (Revised Standard Version) >
 a. : to make loose : unbind, undo, untie
  < loose a knot >
  < loosed the laces of her shoe — B.A.Williams >
 b. archaic : dissolve
  < by assuming vows no pope will loose — P.B.Shelley >
3. : to cast loose : detach
 < loosed the boat from its moorings — George Eliot >
 < loose a rope >
4. : to let fly (as an arrow) : discharge (as a gun) : send forth (something) as a missile
 < a hail of bullets and arrows was loosed into the flanks of the … advance guard — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania >
 < the destroyer had loosed a salvo of 4.7-inch shells at her target — Crowsnest >
— often used with off
 < the little boys had loosed off a pistol — Victoria Sackville-West >
5. : to make less rigid, tight, or strict : relax, slacken
 < the old bonds of authority have been loosed by the war — Bertrand Russell >
 < limbs had been loosed by grievous labor of combat — Alexander Pope >
6. chiefly Scotland : to free or obtain by payment of a fee
7. Scots law : to stop (an arrestment) from taking effect : withdraw
intransitive verb
1. : to let fly a missile (as an arrow) : discharge a gun : fire — often used with off
 < almost loosed off at it before I saw it was a cow — Ernest Hemingway >
2. : to weigh anchor : set sail
3. dialect chiefly England : to become dismissed
 < every day when the school looses — James Hogg >
III. noun
Etymology: partly from loose (I) & partly from loose (II)
1. : the release of an arrow from a bow
 < with a strong bow the loose is easier to do well than with a weak one — A.E.Hodgkin >
2. obsolete : the conclusion or outcome of a matter : issue
3. obsolete : the state or condition of looseness; especially : freedom from or abandonment of moral restraint
4. : loose rock or rock that may easily be loosened
5. : open forward play in rugby — often used with the; contrasted with tight
 < the North forwards … were so lively in the loose that they neutralized the advantage gained by the visitors in the tight — Rugger >

- give a loose to
- on the loose
IV. adverb
Etymology: loose (I)
: loosely
 < our manners sit more loose upon us — Joseph Addison >




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