

单词 trip
释义 trip
I. \ˈtrip\ noun
Etymology: Middle English
dialect England : a small flock (as of birds or mammals)
II. verb
(tripped also tript ; tripped also tript ; tripping ; trips)
Etymology: Middle English trippen, from Middle French triper, treper to dance, hop, trample, of Germanic origin; akin to Low German trippen, trippeln to stamp, trample, Middle Dutch trepelen, trappelen to stamp, trample, Old English treppan to tread — more at trap
intransitive verb
 a. : to dance, skip, or caper with light quick steps
  < nymphs and shepherds … trip no more in twilight ranks — John Milton >
 b. : to move with light quick steps : walk or move lightly : move the feet nimbly
  < she … tripped lightly with him into the church — T.L.Peacock >
2. : to catch the foot against something so as to stagger, hop, or fall : stumble over something (as an obstacle in one's path) : make a false step
 < the child … got up only to trip on her skirt and tumble headlong again — O.E.Rölvaag >
 < tripped over his own feet >
3. : to fall into an error : make a mistake or false step : offend against morality, propriety, or accuracy : err, slip
 < his careful reasoning which never trips — H.O.Taylor >
 < nor do we ever find him tripping even in a matter of detail — Virginia Woolf >
4. : to stumble in articulation : falter in speaking
 < drinking … till his tongue trips — John Locke >
 < he shall stammer, cluck and trip — Robert Graves >
5. : to make a journey or excursion
 < tripped frequently to France to … visit troops — S.L.A.Marshall >
6. : to run past the pallet of the escapement without previously locking — used of a tooth of the escape wheel of a watch
7. : to become strained or twisted out of the perpendicular — used of the floor of a ship between the keel and keelson
 a. : to actuate a mechanism by the operation of some device
 b. : to become operative or actuated as the result of the operation of some mechanical device
transitive verb
 a. : to cause to stumble or lose one's footing (as by suddenly checking the motion of a foot or leg) : cause to take a false step : throw off balance
  < someone must have tripped him >
  — often used with up
 b. : to cause to fail or be checked by putting an obstacle in the way : halt, obstruct
2. : to detect in a misstep, error, or inconsistency : catch in a fault or blunder — usually used with up
 < any military man familiar with firearms could trip you up — Kenneth Roberts >
 < wrongdoing inevitably trips up itself — Irish Digest >
 < questions designed to trip him up >
 a. archaic : to perform (as a dance) lightly or nimbly
  < come and trip it as you go, on the light fantastic toe — John Milton >
  < the young folks tripped it away on the grass — Harriet Martineau >
 b. : to dance upon (a surface) with a light and nimble step
4. : to raise (an anchor) from the bottom by its cable or buoy rope so that it hangs free
 a. : to pull (a yard) into a perpendicular position for lowering
 b. : to hoist (a topmast) far enough to enable the fid to be withdrawn preparatory to housing or sending down
6. : to release, let fall, set free, or otherwise operate (as a weight, compressed spring, switch, or other mechanism) especially by removing a catch or detent : actuate (as a connecting, disconnecting, or controlling mechanism) by some device
7. : to separate the petals of (a legume flower) in search of nectar causing vigorous springing apart of style and stamens and discharge of pollen that dusts over an insect (as a bee) and resulting in cross-pollination
8. : wedge 5
9. : to raise (the bottom) even with the top of a scenery drop by an auxiliary set of lines in order to fold the drop in half and usually out of audience view

- trip the light fantastic
III. noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from trippen to trip
1. : a stroke, catch, or other movement by which one (as a wrestler) causes his antagonist to lose footing : the action of tripping someone
 a. : a relatively short run of a vehicle usually between two points or to a point and return
  < extra trips were scheduled by bus, railroad, and plane companies in anticipation of heavy holiday traffic >
 b. : voyage, journey
  < left China for a four-year … trip abroad — Arthur Mathers >
  < my trip around the world — Wendell Willkie >
  < a trip to the moon >
  < missile on a trip down the Atlantic range >
 especially : one that is short or is undertaken for some usually specified purpose
  < a trip to the dentist >
  < a day trip >
  < vacation trips >
 c. : a single tour of travel in the course of a business operation
  < a delivery trip >
  < a postal carrier's two trips a day >
 d. : the distance involved in a trip
  < the only other village was one day's mule trip farther into the interior — C.B.Hitchcock >
 e. : something held to resemble physical passage from one place to another
  < their marriage and their trip through life — J.P.Marquand >
  < the idea started on a long trip around … conference tables — Laura Fermi >
3. : an error, failure, mistake, blunder, or similar misstep
 < a trip in one point would have spoiled all — John Berridge >
4. : a light lively movement of the feet : a quick light step
 < the trip of children's feet >
5. : a false step caused by stumbling over something or otherwise losing one's balance : stumble
6. : a single board in beating to windward : the distance covered by a sailing ship on a single tack
7. : the action in coursing by a dog of throwing the hare off its feet or of seizing it but losing hold in an unsuccessful effort to kill
8. : the catch of fish made or brought in on a single voyage to a fishing ground (as by a commercial fishing vessel)
 a. : the action of tripping mechanically (as a valve held open against a spring)
  (1) : a usually automatic device for tripping a mechanism (as a catch or detent)
  (2) : tup 2
10. : a number of cars coupled together and hauled as a train in mining operations
IV. abbreviation
triple; triplicate
V. noun
1. : an intense visionary experience undergone by a person who has taken a psychedelic drug (as LSD) ; broadly : an exciting experience
 < orgasm … is the ultimate trip — D.R.Reuben >
2. : pursuit of an absorbing or obsessive interest : kick
 < he's on a nostalgia trip >
3. : scene herein, life-style
 < the whole superstar trip — Joe Eszterhas >
VI. intransitive verb
(tripped ; tripped ; tripping ; trips -s)
Etymology: trip, noun (herein)
: to get high on a drug : turn on herein — often used with out
trip·per \ˈtripə(r) \ noun




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