释义 |
lu·bri·cant I. \ˈlübrəkənt\ adjective Etymology: Latin lubricant-, lubricans, present participle of lubricare to lubricate, from lubricus slippery — more at sleeve : serving to lubricate II. noun (-s) 1. : a substance capable of reducing friction, heat, and wear when introduced as a film between solid surfaces (as oil or grease for metal bearings, graphite for sprocket chains, soap or paraffin for wood surfaces, cutting compound for lathe tools); especially : such a substance interposed between moving parts of machinery — compare cutting fluid 2. : an emulsion, oil, or dressing applied to fibers and yarns to make processing easier and less damaging 3. : something that lessens or prevents friction or difficulty < a man who believed in the smile as a social lubricant — Margery Allingham > < a kind of literary lubricant, that will ease the reading along — Dudley Fitts > |