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desert I. des·ert \ˈdezə(r)]t, usu ]d.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin desertum, from Latin, neuter of desertus, past participle of deserere to desert, from de- + serere to join together — more at series 1. a. archaic : a wild uninhabited and uncultivated tract : a desolate unoccupied plain or coast or pathless woodland : wilderness, waste b. : any of the formerly unsettled regions of the United States between the Mississippi river and the Rocky mountains thought to be arid and uninhabitable 2. a. : a region in which the vegetation is so scanty as to be incapable of supporting any considerable population (as a region perpetually cold or covered with snow or ice or a region located in the interior of a continent and characterized by scanty rainfall especially of less than 10 inches annually) b. : a more or less barren tract incapable of supporting any considerable population without an artificial water supply c. : an area of an ocean believed to be devoid of marine life 3. : a secluded place for secret worship by the Huguenots during years 1715-1802 when Protestantism was under proscription in France 4. : a desolating or forbidding prospect (as from pathless emptiness, bleak unrelieved changelessness or monotony, futility of effort, or destitution of mental or spiritual animation or stimulation) < tiny fingers lost in an immense desert of darkness — Beverley Nichols > < lost in a desert of doubt > < eagles still soar between the summit of Parnassus and the Corinthian gulf, but they look down upon a desert of human history — Mark Van Doren > II. des·ert \“, in sense 1 usually like desert III\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin desertus 1. archaic : deserted < the boat deck was utterly desert — Waldo Frank > 2. a. : desolate and sparsely occupied or unoccupied : inhospitable < so desert a country as the Highlands of Scotland — Adam Smith > b. : uncultivated and uninhabited : barren like a desert < one could scarcely find a more desert tract for a settler > 3. : having its habitat in a desert < desert flora and fauna > 4. : peculiar to or adapted to life in a desert < sturdy desert boots > III. de·sert \də̇ˈzər]t, dēˈ-, -zə̄], -zəi|, usu ]d.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English deserte, from Old French, from feminine of desert (past participle of deservir to deserve), from Latin deservitus, past participle of deservire to serve zealously — more at deserve 1. a. : the quality or fact of being worthy of or deserving of rewards or recompense or of requital or punishment < the concept of desert is essentially indefinable except in terms of existing practices and ideas — G.H.Sabine > b. : a complex of actions calling for such returns < in the midst is seated Justice to award to each according to his desert — Carleton Brown > 2. a. : reward or punishment deserved or earned by one's qualities or acts < not weighing our deserts but pardoning our offenses — Missale Romanum > < by dint of much caballing and much dwelling upon his own deserts he triumphed over his enemies — Virginia Woolf > b. deserts plural : awards due for superior or inferior qualities of art or workmanship < book reviewers … frequently praise the first venture of a writer beyond its just deserts — Harrison Smith > 3. : worthiness or excellence of character as adduced by a good course of conduct < he won the appointment on grounds of desert rather than through family prestige > Synonyms: see due IV. desert verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: French déserter, from Late Latin desertare, from Latin desertus, past participle of deserere to desert — more at desert I transitive verb 1. : to withdraw from or leave permanently or less often temporarily (as a place) : quit < farmers continue to desert the land to take up factory work > < the smile deserting his broad face — T.B.Costain > < phrases which never desert the memory — T.S.Eliot > 2. a. : to turn away from (what has previously engaged one) especially by withdrawing support or disrupting bonds of attachment or duty : reject in order to take up something else : abandon < who, 30 years before, upon being deserted by her lover had taken to her bed — Margaret Deland > < coming at last to desert the Prohibition party > < he deserted prose for the compensating rhythms of poetry — Tyrus Hillway > b. : to leave behind or give up (as a person) — used with to < forced to desert the rest of the miners to their fate > c. : to renounce marital relations by quitting the company of (one's spouse) 3. a. : to break away from or break off association with (some matter involving legal or moral obligation or some object of loyalty) : betray < not propose to desert the 100-year-old Monroe Doctrine — A.H.Vandenberg †1951 > < would be a calamity if these sciences deserted the ideal of accurate and verifiable systematic knowledge for its own sake — M.R.Cohen > b. : to abandon (military service) without leave : forsake in violation of duty < guilty of deserting his fellow soldiers > 4. : to drop away or escape from (a person) usually causing a distinct sense of loss or discomfiture : leave in the lurch : forsake < all sense of courtly etiquette deserting him — T.B.Costain > intransitive verb 1. : to quit one's post, leader, or service without leave < the native guides quietly deserted during the night > < the more liberal members of the party began deserting > 2. : to change one's allegiance < he gave fear of a return of Nazism as the reason for his deserting to the Communists > 3. a. : to quit military service without right < determined to desert > : absent oneself without leave from proper post, station, or duty with the intent to remain away permanently b. : to leave one's proper place to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service : accept appointment or enlist in the same or another armed service without first being regularly separated : enter a foreign armed service without authorization by the United States c. of an officer : to quit one's post without leave and with intent to remain away permanently after tendering one's resignation but before due notice of acceptance of it has been received |