释义 |
trou·sers \-zə(r)z\ noun plural Etymology: alteration (influenced by -ers as in drawers) of trouse, from Scottish Gaelic triubhas, probably from Old French trebus breeches 1. archaic : trews 2. a. also trouser : an outer garment extending from the waist to the ankle or sometimes only to or just below the knee, covering each leg separately, made close-fitting or loose-fitting in accord with the fashion of different periods, and worn typically by men and boys b. trouser noun singular : half or one leg of a pair of trousers < snagged his left trousers on the wire > 3. : baggy pantaloons worn by both sexes in the Near East 4. : pantalets 5. also trouserings : the hair on the hindquarters of a dog especially when profuse and full |