释义 |
truck·le I. \ˈtrəkəl\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English trookel, trocle, from Latin trochlea sheaf of pulleys — more at trochlea 1. a. : a small wheel; especially : pulley b. : a small roller used to move a heavy object : caster 2. : truckle bed 3. dialect England : a small barrel-shaped cheese II. intransitive verb (truckled ; truckled ; truckling \-k(ə)liŋ\ ; truckles) Etymology: from truckle (in truckle bed) 1. obsolete : to sleep in a truckle bed 2. [so called from the fact that the truckle bed was usually pushed under the larger standard bed] : to act in a subservient manner : yield to the wishes or the will of another : bend obsequiously : submit < he would truckle to no man — V.L.Parrington > < people who will always truckle to those who have money — Archibald Marshall > |