

单词 true
释义 true
I. \ˈtrü\ adjective
(usually truer \-üə(r); -u̇(ə)r, -u̇ə\ ; usually truest \-üə̇st\)
Etymology: Middle English trew, trewe, from Old English trēowe faithful, trustworthy; akin to Old High German gitriuwi faithful, trustworthy, Old Norse tryggr, Gothic triggws faithful, trustworthy, Old Irish dreb certain, Old Prussian druwis faith, Lithuanian drūtas strong, thick, Sanskrit dāruṇa hard, dāru wood — more at tree
 a. : steady, firm, and dependable in allegiance or devotion to a loved one, friend, leader, group, or cause : not false or perfidious
  < his musical idiom was unique, and by remaining true to it, he expressed himself with the utmost clarity — J.D.Cook >
  < all true men were needed to save the country — Shelby Foote >
 specifically : steadfast in observing marriage or other vows
  < a lover absolutely true in act and word and thought — H.O.Taylor >
 b. : honest, just, upright
  < he was absolutely true, genuinely square in his relations to those about him — W.A.White >
 c. archaic : truthful, veracious
  < dare to be true; nothing can need a lie — George Herbert >
  (1) : conformable to fact : in accordance with the actual state of affairs : not false or erroneous : not inaccurate
   < mathematics, I thought, had a better chance of being true than anything else that passed as general knowledge — Bertrand Russell >
   < it is true that there is an underlying intention to keep patronage alive — Herbert Read >
  (2) : conformable to nature, reality, or an original : accurate in delineating or expressing the essential elements
   < fiction is truer than history, because it goes beyond the evidence — E.M.Forster >
  specifically : describing actual events that happened
   < a true story >
  (1) : being on a level transcending phenomenal or everyday existence : ideal
   < nobler ideas — truer because they are more in harmony with man's situation in the universe — Liston Pope >
   < the same event can be said to be true for faith but untrue for science — W.R.Inge >
   < appropriate to the inward search and responsive to true values — Pietro Belluschi >
  (2) : being more genuinely characteristic of or operative in than manifest motives or appearances : essential
   < the party's principles and policies, rather than its actual social composition, should be the criterion of its true nature — N.D.Palmer & South CarolinaLeng >
   < a better understanding of the true motives in human behavior — Printers' Ink >
 c. : being that which is the case rather than what is believed, assumed, or claimed
  < the true dimension of the world refugee problem is clearly being ignored or sidestepped — Gertrude Samuels >
  < sent her back to bed without telling her the president's true condition — Time >
  (1) : consistent with expectation or previous performance
   < remains true to its background of cattle barons — American Guide Series: Texas >
  (2) : confirmed by later experience or investigation
   < the lawyer's premonition was true — Leo Marx >
 a. : properly so called: as
  (1) : void of deceit : sincere, unfeigned
   < true love >
  (2) : not sham, counterfeit, or adulterated : genuine
   < returned to the true faith >
   < expect to make true and rapid progress in civil rights — D.D.Eisenhower >
  (3) : being essentially what it is called
   < the true coastline was … 140 kilometers from the apparent coastline — Valter Schytt >
   < the true stomach, the abomasum, forms only about one seventh to one tenth of the total capacity of the ruminant stomach — S.J.Watson >
  (4) : designed or functioning in a manner regarded as essential to meeting a standard
   < none of these institutions could be regarded as a true university because none had a faculty capable of examining for the higher degrees — J.B.Conant >
   < a true textbook is one especially prepared for the use of pupil and teacher — Textbooks in Education >
  (1) : possessing all the fundamental characters of and belonging to the same natural group as
   < a lizard is a true reptile >
   < a whale is a true but not a typical mammal >
  (2) : typical
   < the true cats may be distinguished from fossil allies by characters of the dentition >
 a. : such as it should be : proper, fitting
  < facts presented in their true order and bearing >
  (1) : legitimate, rightful
   < the true and legal successors of the old régime — Geographical Journal >
  (2) : related by blood
   < would a true child always take precedence of an adopted child — Notes & Queries on Anthropology >
5. : that can be relied on : trustworthy
 < heard by true telling that you have money and means — Augusta Gregory >
 < claim that his polls are a true representation of the opinions of the whole nation — Current Biography >
specifically : determined with respect to a statistical population rather than a sample
 < prefer the narrow range with bias to a truer average with wider dispersed values — Photogrammetric Engineering >
 a. : placed, fitted, or formed accurately
  < the blocks of granite were so true that practically no mortar was used — American Guide Series: Nevada >
 b. : comformable to a standard, rule, or pattern : exact, accurate, correct
  < supply the disposal agency with the originals or true copies of all documents — U.S. Code >
  < singing on true pitch >
 c. : molded by environment, family, or culture and marked by similar attitudes and characteristics
  < a true product of his age, being neither more skeptical nor more credulous than any other — J.A.Rushing >
  < a true child of the rising West — H.E.Starr >
 d. : best fitting one's aptitudes or interests
  < found his true vocation after many false starts >
 a. : reliable or accurate in function : exact
  < the machine is truer than the hand — Edward Bellamy >
 b. : accurate, quick, or complete in measuring, grasping, or comprehending fact
  < a true understanding of our heritage — W.R.Steckel >
  < whose turns and rhythms of speech have been caught by a true ear — B.R.Redman >
  < imagination is truer than reason is — O.S.J.Gogarty >
8. : related to a fixed point; specifically : determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles
 < true north >
 < true west >
9. : logically necessary : universally valid
10. : narrow, restricted, strict
 < a how-to-do-it booklet in the truest sense of the word — Mary S. Switzer >
11. : corrected for error — compare true altitude
Synonyms: see faithful, real
II. noun
1. : something that is true : ultimate truth : reality — usually used with the
2. : the quality or state of being accurate (as in alignment or adjustment) — used in the phrases in true and out of true
 < the rail level may sag out of true — O.S.Nock >
III. transitive verb
(trued ; trued ; trueing also truing ; trues)
: to make level, square, balanced, or concentric : bring or restore to a desired mechanical accuracy or form
 < trued an engine cylinder that had got out of round by boring it oversize >
 < trued an unbalanced grinding wheel with a dressing diamond >
 < repaired a worn housing by mounting it on centers in a lathe and taking a light trueing cut >
 < trues up a fixture with the machine spindle by using a dial indicator >
IV. adverb
(usually -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English trewe, from trewe, adjective, true
1. : in accordance with fact or reality : truthfully, honestly
 < your childish lips spoke truer than you suspected — Rosa Luxemburg >
 a. : without variation from path or position : in true : exactly, accurately
  < the bullet flew straight and true >
  < the doors … still hang perfectly trueAmerican Guide Series: Maryland >
  — often used as an interjection for emphasis or as a signal of confirmation, admission, or endorsement of a fact
  < true, there was a blot on the escutcheon of that lady — W.S.Gilbert >
 b. : without change
  < a variety that comes true from seed >
  : without variation from or of type
  < genuine mutations usually breed true >




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