单词 | poison |
释义 | poi·son I. 1. a. < strychnine, carbon monoxide, and other poisons > — compare economic poison, pesticide, toxin, venom b. (1) < were generally considered boxoffice poison — Edith Isaacs > < are plain political poison — J.T.Norman > (2) < her life was ruined by the poison of lying gossip > (3) < the poison of bad example > c. (1) < most stage juveniles, especially in musicals, are pure poison — John Mason Brown > (2) < diversions of that kind were pure poison to him > 2. slang 3. < a catalyst poison > < fission poisons > 4. or poison circle or poison spot Synonyms: < a populace whose emotional life has been drugged by the sugared poison of pseudo art — Roger Fry > < the nineteenth century had brought this new poison of mystic tribalism into the common life of Europe — Stringfellow Barr > venom may refer to a poison interjected with fierce malignant hostility < the venom of the rattlesnake > virus may refer to a submicroscopic agency of infection working with insidious deadliness or deleteriousness < the virus of infantile paralysis > toxin, less used in figurative senses than others in this group, may refer to a destructive toxic substance generated within a plant or animal body < the bacterial toxins, such as those of the organisms causing diphtheria, tetanus and botulism — W.A.Hagan > bane may apply to any cause of ruin, destruction, or great tribulation; in compounds it may designate poisonous substances and things < the military mania which has been the bane of some countries > < ratsbane > II. transitive verb 1. a. (1) < was accused of poisoning her husband > (2) < poisoning an arrow > < poisoned the water > (3) < poisoned the air with its fumes > b. < blood that has been poisoned by infection > 2. a. (1) < poisoning minds with evil propaganda > (2) < malicious tales of that kind poisoned nearly everyone against him > b. (1) < aching in mind and body, poisoned with fatigue — Felix Riesenberg > (2) < even such harmless pleasures were poisoned with suspicion — Virginia Woolf > c. < poisoned the soup with too much salt > < parts of it were so dry and poisoned with alkali dust that no life existed there — S.H.Adams > 3. a. b. intransitive verb < was in the lower field next day, poisoning — G.S.Perry > III. 1. < a poison plant > < a poison drink > : venomous < talk about poison tongues — Dan Wickenden > 2. < a poison arrow > IV. chiefly dialect < was poison pretty — Maristan Chapman > < is a poison bad world — R.L.Stevenson > |
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